Rem_The_Name : H0-p£

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Name: H0-p£

Age: None

Gender: None, but appears as Male.

Nationality: Cyberspace?

Personality: H0-p£ is unsure about what it should act, so it is mostly dull about many things. It has a very wide range of knowledge due to its connection to the internet, making it smart as well. It is very loyal to pure hearted people due to its purpose of creation. It gets easily insulted by hateful comments about it being inhuman and suggests they think otherwise.
I really like this! I like that you suggested it's connection to K1-B0 with the dislike of hateful comments, and I also like that it's drawn to pure-hearted people!

Appearance: In the outside world, it takes the appearance of a boy's shape with an entirely green body with blue veins across its body, having short green hair and pink eyes. In the cyberspace, it takes a different form, as a big white crystal with green streams entering and swirling around it.
This is really interesting and unusual, I love it!

Sexuality: None

Extra Info: It keeps memories of all the people of hope and grows in power when people have hope for its plan.
I love this!

Talent: Ultimate A.I.

Backstory: It believes that it was created after Keebo's self destruction, in which his data was taken into Cyberspace and formed H0-p£. It took in the info from the Ultimate Robot and all about the "Game" that was mentioned in the data. After searching the internet about this game, it was "shocked" after seeing what the game did and how well appreciated it was. However, after seeing the feelings of the "fans" now, H0-p£ gave itself a purpose; to spread hope and reverse the damage. Ever since then, it began to take in the power of hope from the people to create a digital world where the victims of the killing game can live for the sake of the people's joy. However, H0-p£ was not the only thing that was created after the end of the killing game...
I really really love this backstory! It has a lot of interesting ideas and I like the little cliffhanger ending...I wonder what's going to happen?

Reaction to seeing death: H0-p£ would be emotionless about seeing death, but sighs as its reminded that not all people are pure.

Reaction to being accused: It would be really confused on why they believe it killed. H0-p£ would never kill, as it goes against its own code.

I really like H0-p£'s character, and I think it could lead to a very interesting story! I love the idea that since it's a coded program there's certain things it can and can't do, and I love its appearance and design!

Personality: 9/10
Character design: 9.5/10
Originality: 9/10
Backstory: 9.5/10
Overall: 9/10

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