greysmorningcoffee : Guiseppa Bianchi

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Name: Guiseppa Bianchi

Nickname: Chi, by Hoshiko

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nationality: Italian
I haven't seen a character with this nationality before!

Personality: She really loves to act sickeningly sweet at first, and she really likes to butter you up just to get you on her side.  However, she's actually a manipulative person.  If you see through her act, she doesn't like you.  If you refuse to help her whenever she requires assistance with tasks or refuse to help her achieve her goals, she doesn't like you, she's a really rotten person and makes plain rude remarks to you all the time.  And of course she says similar things about those who help her, behind their backs.  However, she's capable of genuinely liking people, and she feels remorseful sometimes, though she'll hardly ever admit it.  She's actually just lonely and because of her past has adopted her personality out of caution.  Still, though, she will get her way, and remove those that are in it from the equation one way or another (not normally through homicidal means, that's not what I'm suggesting - she's a bit squeamish as well).  She hates other people having the upper hand, but if you do she'll be cowardly and submissive.  She also genuinely appreciates and likes those that look up to her, just has a sour attitude towards those who achieve more than her in her field (her certain distaste for a little SHSL Broadway Star is more than noticeable in pretty much every interaction she has with him).  Loneliness and bitterness, really.
I really really love her personality!  It's one I haven't seen before and I think it could lead to some really interesting interactions between characters! 

Appearance: *Picture Above* She has dark, moderately short hair with a fringe and a small red beret.  She has pale orange eyes, and pale facial makeup on her otherwise light tan skin.  Her eyes have diamond makeup over them, and a tear shape on her cheek.  Her attire consists of a puffy sleeved T-shirt with dark grey horizontal stripes and a breast pocket with her high school crest and a black button, over a red long-sleeved shirt with thin red stripes.  She wears dark grey fingerless gloves.  Her bottom piece is a rather high-waisted brownish red overall skirt, around knee-length with three dark grey heart-shaped buttons, and a red heart pin on one strap.  She wears tall white socks with grey horizontal stripes.  Her shoes are brown boots with straps, metal buckles, bows and a tie at the top - somewhat complex.
I really love her design!  It's got a lot of little additions to it that add to the originality of her character, and the colours match her talent really well! 

Sexuality: Probably straight for the most part?

Backstory: When she was growing up, her and her mother were homeless.  Her father had left to beg his parents in another city to let them stay with them, for a while at least, but because he and his wife had made bad decisions including having a child during their financial struggles, they were shunned and he stayed to continue begging.  Even after he quit, he was far enough away that he needed money to return and had none, so he found himself a job there and stayed on the streets himself.
From a young age Guiseppa learned from her mother how to street perform, thus began to learn the art of mime acting (emphasised by her mother due to her appreciations from her father's French friend).  She was actually surprisingly good, as well as a cute little kid, so many would pay for her performances.  Since her mother had had a child with her, some places would allow them to stay for a short time, and they bounced around quite a lot.  Eventually, when Guiseppa was about nine, she'd made a good name for herself, as well as enough money for them to rent a very small and not good apartment, but still an apartment, and she continued to act while her mother kept trying to find better job opportunities.  Eventually her mother began to make coffee for a small bakery, and a few years later when Guiseppa became famous across Italy, they moved into a comfortable home.  She then gained fame throughout Europe, and was even heard of outside of Europe at times (especially by mime and theatre enthusiasts) to a point that she was quite well off, dressing in nicer clothes than she used to and moving about Europe to perform, often leaving her mother alone.  After living like that, she'd developed a certain mindset: you can only trust the people that help you.
I really love this so far, it's a really intriguing backstory! Also, explaining how and why she was homeless is a great addition!

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