HotCat37 : Souji Takahashi (Updated)

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Name: Souji Takahashi

Age: 17

Nationality: Japanese

Gender: Male

Personality: He's outgoing and the kind of person to smile a lot.  He's quite a ladies-man, and bragging a lot about many different things, he can get quite shy whenever anyone flirts with him.  He's also very protective of his friends.

Appearance: Souji has somewhat fluffy blonde hair that often has a few strands sticking out and blue eyes.  He wears a white T-shirt with a noticeable pattern on the back of it and wears a lot of bracelets around his wrists.  (Most of them are from Kentaro and his brother)  He also has a yellow-blue jacket tied around his waist.  (It was Autumn when the killing game began so he still wears it even though its hot inside the school)  He wears long dark blue shorts, golden-yellow sneakers and white socks.  The line around his eye pupil is more broken-lined than anyone else's from the story.
I love his appearance! It suits his character really well and I like the colour coordination!

Backstory: Souji grew up in Japan's royal family.  He lived with his father, mother and younger brother.  His talent was actually decided by a game he and his brother played.  Only one of them could be this generation's Ultimate Prince and their parents decided to let their son's decide. (Traditionally, the older son gets to be the Ultimate Prince, but Souji's family had always broken some traditions)  The pair of dice landed on Souji's colour and his brother would figure out his own talent later.  He met Kentaro in kindergarten after he scared away some bullies.  The both of them became best friends with each other and somehow always ended up in the same schools later on.  Souji also trained in martial arts with his father, because his dad thought he needed to defend himself.  Souji's younger brother was never really interested in sports, though.  He kind of grew up being a ladies-man since his mother was a very kind and generous person.  His dad also told him to never treat people badly, but especially not women.  When he was old enough he got accepted into Trust's Peak.
I really like his backstory! I would like to see it a bit more fleshed out, as in some personality-forming moments (maybe go a bit deeper into his relationship with Kentaro?) but otherwise it does a good job of explaining his talent and why his personality is what it is!

Extra Info:
- He has a golden retriever at home which he calls Soushu.  (It's a mix between his name and his brother's)
- He probably blushes the most out of any character from the first cast (mainly because he's the most shy when it comes to flirting)
- His nickname for Kentaro is Kent.
I really like this!

Reaction to seeing death: He'll be majorly pissed when its a guy, and he might even cry when its a girl or someone very close to him.

Reaction to getting accused: He'll furiously defend himself and constantly bring up the wrong evidence since he doesn't really know how a class trial works.  He'll get support from Kentaro and Daisuke and will brag about him being the one who helped them out instead.  He will gratefully thank them afterwards, though.  He acts like that because he doesn't want them to come off as a fool in front of the girls.
I like this!

Status: Survivor

Overall, Souji is a really interesting character who I really like!  I think he just needs to be a bit more fleshed out and then he'll be even better!

Personality: 8/10
Character design: 9/10
Originality: 8/10
Backstory: 7.5/10
Overall: 8.5/10

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