"Yeah.Can we talk..."

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Hi guys its me with well another chapter so I know this may be a bit short but its ok for now! So if anyone enjoys this chapter dont forget to vote 💕 Much Love!

I woke up in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep I could barely even think. Maybe it was because there was a handsome guy in my bed sleeping next to me or the series of events that has happened today.

I wonder if Ruby went home which I highly doubt. Maybe she's on the couch. Ugh, I wiped my face with my hands looking at the ceiling that was glowing?

Why was it glowing ? It arched up getting closer to the light seeing that those star stickers you stick to your curling and it glows when supplied with light it glowed. I shook my head and decided to get up.

I don't remember where I had laid my phone I was heading to light to turn it on but forgot there was a half naked guy in my bed.

I went to the side of the bed and looked up on his unflawed body. I decided to just let him sleep then what I was going to Actually do that involved a permanent marker.

I quietly opened my bedroom door letting a crack at the door awaiting when I end up coming back.

I head my way down stairs turning on the light seeing Ruby on the couch laying covered with blankets with the TV on Spongebob.

I smiled lightly and made my way to the kitchen, I pulled out a bowl and cereal and milk with a silver spoon.

I heard footsteps appear into the kitchen floor as I spun and twilled my cereal trying to get all the pieces covered with at least some milk. “Couldn't sleep?” I asked looking up at Ruby whose eyes appeared red.

“Yeah. Can we talk...” Ruby asked. I nodded she uploaded herself onto the wooden stool that was across from me and the counter. “I'm sorry.” She said sliding with her fingers.

She looked really upset and I never like seeing her like this. She hardly ever cried anymore unless its something that really pains her and I guess she doesn't want to lose me as much as I don't want to lose her.

It had taken me a while to respond back but I spoke up. “I know and it's ok but can you at least give me a good explanation why again why this time?” I said facing her taking a bite of my cereal.

“ I don't really know how to explain.it just happened” Ruby said. “That's not really helping me understand” I said spinning my cereal crunching down on it.

“ I came over to your house Instead of mine because I was upset about how my dad was when I got there, so I decided to come here and talk And as needed comfort but you weren't here.

“ She spoke as I nodded for her to continue. “I arrived here and your brother was here, and he has asked if I was ok and i couldn't handle the tears the emotions I held in came out and he held me and told me it's ok he ended up kissing me and one thing lead to another” She said

“ yea yea I get it until then I walk in on you too as y'all were playing hop Scotch with one another.” I said about devoring my Captain Crunch. I looked down and back up meeting eyes with Ruby's “ I understand in your case and I forgive you but my brother is not a good guy and you're my best friend. I want you to see he is only using you and I don't want to be harsh about this but I want you to be ok that's all that matters ok”

I said drinking the rest of the milk that was left I got up from my chair setting my feet on the cold floor below my bare feet as to tho I wasn't wearing socks.

I left my bowl and spoon in the sink seeing Ruby rubbing her eyes. “ You need to get some sleep” I said, she then nodded and traced back to the couch I came to sit on the floor next to her

“ you sure you're going to be ok?” I asked. She nodded once more as I got up planting a kiss on her head showing my support and care for her. “Goodnight” I said as she said it back. I walked back upstairs going back into my room still seeing the same guy in my bed but this time he was drooling.

I looked around my room and finally found my phone hiding in between one of the books on my desk. I wonder how it got here? I quickly got to the camera and set flash on hoping it didn't wake Max up.

I toke 3 pictures of him drooling 1 normal and the other 2 with snapchat filters. I then cropped one saving it as my home screen on my phone. This was to funny !! I sent the picture to Ruby wondering if she got it as I'm sure she went hearing the little laugh down stairs from the living room.

I put down my phone and climbed into bed. I wasn't that much sleepy maybe a little but I still couldn't sleep. I then laid on my side laying my head on my hand staring at Max sleeping.

No I'm not a stalker, but I was bored and I really didn't know what to do at this moment. As I started to gaze off and looked into space I dozed and felt myself laying against Max's chest.

I didn't feel embarrassed or anything dealing with uncomfortable since he's asleep he can't tease me about this. He actually looks peaceful while sleeping.

I don't know how long this bet thing is going to last or if it will last but at the most I hope to gain a friend for it.

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