Chapter Three-Flawless Check-hook

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I pull into the parking lot of Ricky's, my favorite fight club/bar. I get my bag out of the passenger seat and get out of the car. As I walk towards the entrance I lock my car sounding a honking noise. I open the door and the familiar smell of alcohol and sweat hits me in the nostrils. I smile when I see my favorite announcer and the owner of the bar behind the bar writing on a clipboard. I walk over to Rick with a smile of joy creeping on my face.

"Hey, old man" I chirp as I reach the bar. His bald head raises revealing a crooked smile.

"Hey, Liv, You fighting tonight?"He asks looking back down at the clipboard.

"Well of course," I say as I unzip my bag and pull out my red gloves and slide them onto my hands. "I don't come for the booze," I said jokingly.

"You're up next,"He says with a chuckle and shaking his head.

"Bet on me old man," I say as I place my bag on the other side of the bar.

"I always do" He nods making me chuckle.

I walk towards the fighting platform where a blonde chick and a Brunette are currently fighting. I tighten my ponytail and let out a long breathe. I'm not nervous. When I told Ian I was the best I wasn't kidding. I am currently number one at Ricky's, I'm undefeated. Many have tried to take my title and no one has, including bulky dudes on steroids. Ricky's is a co-ed fighting club, I've fought several guys and won, they may be stronger than me but I'm smarter. Work smarter not harder.

"AND THE NEXT FIGHTER IS THE UNDEFEATED CHAMPION, RED" I lift my head when I hear my fight name called, I look up at the platform to see a tall bulky girl with long blonde corn-rows pulled into a low ponytail.

I walk towards the platform fearlessly, showing no sign of weakness as I stare into my opponent's black eyes. As I reach the middle she takes a step closer putting her head only a few inches away from mine, trying to intimidate me...So she's one of those fighters.ew. I stand tall not backing down trying to ignore the smell of her intoxicated breath fan over my face...well this should be easy.

"Please step back" I hear Rick say as he places a hand on her shoulder pulling her back. She moves her shoulder from his grip and takes a step backward not breaking eye contact with me.

"GO" Rick yells, his voice booming through the room making the people around us cheer ready to see action. I immediately get into my stance, putting my left foot slightly behind my right and slightly bending my knees and putting my fist over my nose.

She has a rookie stance with legs parallel with her knees stiff and her fist under her chin leaving her face exposed. If I made the first move I could knock her out in one swift move. I choose to go easy on her and wait for her to make the first move.

Tention rises after the first five seconds of no one moving while the coward's screams get louder and louder. She finally takes a quick step forward signaling shes about to swing. I bob my head to the right as she tries to punch me on the left and again I bob my head to left as she tries to swing her fist into the right side of my face. She's sloppy. She goes to jab me in the stomach. I quickly grab her hand and grip it with all my strength distracting her with the pain as I plunge my head into her knocking her back a step and making the crowd cheer loudly. I take a step back getting into my stance and let her regain her balance.

She steadies herself and anger slowly fills her eyes as she stares back into mine and I send her a wicked smile. She goes to throw a right hook into the left side of my face. I grab her fist stopping the impact in her punch from reaching my face. I take my non-dominant hand jab it into her ribs with all my might making cracking noises sound throughout the room. I drop her fist trying to give her a chance fix her self but instead, she brings her leg up in attempt to kick me I suppose. I grab her leg and give it a swift tug causing her to hit the ground with a loud thud and making her head bounce back up like a bouncing ball before it falls and stops moving.

I drop her leg and walk over to where her head is resting while she clutches her ribs in pain. I give her another wicked smile and wave silently as I bring my foot up and plunge it into her head knocking her unconscious. A victory smile making its way to my lips as I hear the crowd screaming and I see them jumping around in excitement.

"AND ONCE AGAIN RED WINS" Rick yells making the crowd go wild. I see people passing around money either paying or receiving bet money making me laugh.

"How much you get, Rick?"I ask playfully as we make our way back to the bar.

"Almost three-hundred and fifty," He says with joy as he makes his way to the wooden bar and I sit on the tall wooden stool.

"Your welcome,"I say confidently and put my elbows on the bar top and rest my head in my hands. He smiles as he slips an envelope in my direction making a smile appear on my face. I retrieve the envelope and open it slightly to see its filled with cash making my smile grow wider.

"Seven-hundred and seventy-three dollars," He says with a grin as he places my bag on top of the bar which I quickly grab and shove my money into and but the bag over my shoulder.

"Thank y-"I was cut off by people screaming a name so loud I can't even understand what they are saying. I look at Rick curiously and he just gives me a shrug. I jump off the stool and walk over to where all the commotion is going on.

I walk over to the crowd and budge my way through the people to see what is going on. As I finally get through all the people I see...Levi fighting the second best fighter on the platform. At first, it doesn't really phase until I realize he's winning.

Panic rises causing my heart rate to pick up as I see Levi throw a right hook into his opponent's jaw and flawlessly swings his right foot at a one-hundred and eighty degrees, knocking the heal of his foot into his opponent's neck, instantly making him fall to the ground yelping in pain. Levi just flawlessly completed a check-hook, one of the hardest boxing moves to do correctly. Even I have trouble doing a check-hook.

Levi turns around to face the crowd with a huge smile, lighting up the room, almost making me smile...almost

"WHO IS THE FIRST PLACEHOLDER" He yells throughout the bar making me flinch. As People start to look around I take that as a sign the get the hell out of there.

As I walk past the bar I give a quick shortwave to rick as I push myself through the door not wanting to be in that bar any longer.

"ITS RED" I hear someone yell as I close the door to bar and walk straight to my car.


Pleaseeeeeeeeee let me know how you like the story. I know it's kind of a slow start. I promise it will pick up soon.

Thank you for reading my story.

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