Chapter Four-Accidentally knocked someone out

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"Red!" Levi's breathless voice yells from behind me, making me freeze in my tracks. That oh so familiar feeling of panic starts to engulf my brain. I stand still while Levi makes his way to me with every nerve in my body telling me to run like hell. He can't know I'm red...he just can't.

"Holy Shit you're a chick" He places his hand on my shoulder and starts to force me to turn around. In a panic, I form a fist and just as he was about to turn me around I swung my fist right into the side of his head hitting him right in the temple hard enough to knock him out cold. I watch as his unconscious body falls to the ground in the middle of the sidewalk with a thud.

"Shit" I mutter as I realize what I had done. Well, that wasn't very smart now, was it. I should leave him here and get robbed while he's unconscious, but I feel like that's just a little too inhumane even for me.

I grunt in frustration and go to pick him up but end up falling right on my ass, he's a lot heavier than he looks, plus dead weights aren't my specialties.

"Well damn" I huff as I give up on trying to pick him up. I take out my phone and call one of the two contacts I have on my phone; Ian.

"Hello" He answers the phone on the second ring.

"I need help," I say looking down at Levi "I've gotten my self in a situation"

"Did you Kill someone?"He asks seriously making me frown

"No of course not" I answer quickly "Wait, hold on" I bend down and check Levis pulse by pressing my fingers against his neck to make sure "Yeah he's alive"

"Wow, What happened," He asks as someone passes me and Levi on the street and looks at us then quickly looks away and walks past us, I chuckle.

"Let's just say I accidentally knocked someone out and I need help getting him in my car and a place to take him"

"Why can't you take him to your house?" He asks as I hear him walk out of his house.

"Because I don't want him to know where I live," I say as if it were obvious.

"So you're just going to bring him to mine instead, awe thanks."

"You are very welcome," I say sarcastically.

"I'll be there in five minutes," He says with a chuckle.

" It's literally a mile away why five minutes?" I ask

"I'm going to run there, I just dropped my car off at the shop."

"Well hurry Please" I beg sounding like a pouty child.

"Your so needy," He says then hangs up before I can reply.

"Asshole" I mutter as I look at the call disconnected screen.

"You are always an inconvenience aren't you, "I say as I look down at Levi who is still lying not so comfortably on the ground.

In exactly five minutes Ian was here looking at me with a very disappointed look.

"You didn't tell me it was this dick" He looks at Levi with disgust and then back at me.

"Well I can't just leave him here," I say as I cross my arms.

"For the record, I'm defiantly not doing this for him, I'm doing it because you asked me too" He says followed by a sigh.

"Ok," I say with a clap" You get the shoulders I'll get the feet," I say as I walk over to my can and unlock it and open the door the back seat.

"Are you sure he won't wake up soon?" He asks as he pokes Levi's face a couple of times.

"I don't know, I hit him pretty hard," I say as I look at my knuckles that are now a shade of purple. "I'll check," I say with a smile as I swing my foot into Levi's ribs with just enough power to leave a bruise. Levi stays there motionless "He's not getting up for a while"

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