Breakfast Love (Part 1)

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Earlier that morning

"I think I can put it on layaway Mama Lion." Callie said sipping on her orange juice as Stef, Lena and baby Stef were grabbing breakfast together at a local diner. It was a treat for them and they had invited Miss Rose who would arrive shortly to join them. With everything the older woman was doing for them and had done for them Stef tried to show her how thankful they were even if the woman refused it. Refused it to the point of arguing with the blonde over it more then a handful of times. In all honestly both women were extremely stubborn and Stef usually lost those battles big time and Lena did as well with Miss Rose. However nowadays it wasn't surprising for the blonde had the upmost respect for the older woman and showed it on a consistent basis. Never before in her life had she shown this kind of respect for an elder for her mother leaving her as a little girl put a dent in her. A dent that caused her to lack respect for any woman that was close to her mother's age. It was another reason she did not get along with Dana Adams and their relationship was extremely volatile and heated.


"So is there ever a time you aren't a complete bitch." Stef said walking up to Lena's mother who had just gotten to her own doorstep. Upon hearing the familiar voice Dana turned around to see the blonde standing right in front of her. As usual she looked tacky in the older woman's eyes as the blonde sported a loose fitting black tank top with no bra and tight ripped jeans. In her mind Stef had not one ounce of class and it drove Dana insane. She didn't understand, she didn't get what in the hell Lena saw in her for this woman was uneducated trash to say the least and if Dana felt bad for anyone it was Stef's children.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said is there ever a time you aren't a fucking complete bitch. I don't know what shit you are trying to prove to my wife but you are really pissing me off and I've warned you a few times. Something I don't usually do. But since your my wife's mother well I have had no choice.

"Is that so? Well you listen you Lena knows what the issue is and I'm looking at her. You. You are the issue and my daughter was fine before she met you." Dana said angrily as Stef let out a smirk.

"Mm is that so? See I find that funny because she didn't seem fine to me. I mean yes she is fine looking that was always the case but mentally no. Or was that something you liked to tell yourself at night so you could sleep better. Mm?"  Speaking rather calmly the blonde was toying with the woman as Dana moved closer to her more aggravated then she could ever imagine for this woman made her insane. She did and it always seemed as if Stef had the upper hand on her for whatever reason.

"What in the hell are you trying to say?"

"Mm I think I already said it honey. See while Lena was getting her ass beat by that dick face she was married to you didn't do anything, nothing. You sat up in your home with you feet up drinking out of your fancy little Waterford crystal glasses pretending all was ok. That it was all good when you knew it wasn't. Me? Hell no. I protected my wife from day one and still am.  I'd never let that shit happen to her. Ever. And the Lena you see was the Lena that was always there but the one you suppressed because she didn't fit into your world. Into your little mold."

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