
221 13 3

October 5th, 2018

"You know you still have half a beard?" Layla giggled.

"Oh shit." Shawn stated bluntly, going back to the bathroom to finish the job.

Shawn shaved himself sloppily, quite frankly he could care less about his facial hair when the late Layla Tremblay stood before him.

"How's your family been?" She asked him.

"Good! The past few years have been crazy, ever since I got signed I haven't been home for longer than 2 months, but they usually come visit me on tour. Aaliyah of course still has school and everything so they have to work around that but they make it work." Shawn finished shaving, rinsing his chin with water. "How have your folks been? Do you know?"

"I check on them every now and then, they can't see me of course. My mom is still a teacher at the high school and my dad works at the city electric company. They are doing good. Well, as good as you can do with out muah," she flipped her hair. Shawn admired how her sense of humor was still so profound, even in the afterlife.

The two walked into Shawn's bedroom, and Layla noticed the stuffed animal on his bed.

"You still have this?" She giggled, picking up the lion and examining it.

"Well, yeah. I think I took better care of that thing than I did myself after you died," Shawn chuckled.

He opened his closet door, but taken aback when only a singular white shirt.

"What the hell? Where are all my clothes." He mumbled under his breath. The last time he left, articles of clothings packed on hangers crowded the space. Now, it was bare.

"That must be your angel garb! Seems fitting, you always..." Layla spoke on, but Shawn tuned out. A wave of confusion rushed over him, and as he sat and thought while staring at the shirt. Suddenly, all at once, it all made since. Why Layla was here, why the clock was gone from his room, why his mom didn't answer his calls.

He extended his hands out in front of him, doubting his new conclusion but deep down knowing it was true. Shawn didn't want to believe it, but he was dead too.


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