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October 4th, 2018

Shawn was seated in the drivers seat of his favorite vehicle; his black Jeep. He was driving down highway 407, a route he used often to go to his childhood home for holidays. The particular holiday was thanksgiving. It was almost 8 pm, and he was excited to finally be off the road and with his family who he hadn't seen for a whole month.

He could see lights flashing behind him, as if the person trailing him was spinning in circles with their brights on.

He glanced up at his rear view mirror, and in a split second that felt like a year, a monstrous semi truck that was swerving throughout the whole length of the road came closer, closer, closer...

The side of the the trailer was all Shawn could see as it slammed so hard into his Jeep that Shawn's head smashed through the windshield before his seat belt pulled him back. He was sent rolling down the side of the road, which happened to be a hill.

First turn.

The driver side door flew off the hinges. Shawn was trying his best to hang on to the steering wheel, but he was beginning to loose conscious. His ears rang. Blood was already pouring from his forehead down to his lip. He could taste it.

Second turn.

The only thing keeping Shawn in at this point was his seatbelt, which rubbed and dug into his neck. Counterintuitively, the only thing on Shawn's mind was to get out of the vehicle. Click.

Third turn.

Now that there wasn't anything holding him back, his limp body flew from the car and landed harshly on his side. His arm didn't get out of the landing zone in time, and it and several ribs crushed under him.

Fourth turn. Fifth turn.

The car was now far away from Shawn, but he could still hear the metal clanging. However, all he could focus on now was the sheer pain his chest was in. When he moved even an inch he could feel his now loose ribs shift inside his lungs, stabbing him. It was the most immense misery he had ever felt.

He gasped. He coughed. Every bit of of air he took in stayed in and refused to come out. After a long fight, he gave up. It was too agonizing.

Shawn Peter Raul Mendes laid on the side of the road for two hours before somebody noticed the wreck and the body and pulled over. At that point his skin was tinted blue and he had fallen into a coma. He was dying. He was taken to the hospital, but it was already too late.

Shawn was declared dead on October 5th at 12:56. His cause of death was a punctured lung and damage to the head. The truck driver was never found.


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