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February 14th, 2007

Shawn, Layla, Karen, and Aaliyah lay cuddled under blankets on the Mendes families couch, watching Layla's favorite movie; a bugs life. Shawn never understood the joy she got from watching it, but he would of course never tell her that.

Layla's parents were out for the night on a date for Valentine's Day, so Shawn and his family were watching her. It wasn't much different then how it normally was around the house, Layla was always over.

"Mama," Shawn's three year old little sister said suddenly.

"Yes?" Karen asked.

"Poo poo," she giggled.

"No," Karen sighed. Aaliyah was in the midst of being potty trained, and often would have accidents. Karen was convinced at this point that her daughter got amusement from watch her mother clean her mess.


"I'll be right back," Karen told the two seven year olds as she lifted Aaliyah up and took her in to the bedroom. Shawn and Layla grinned to each other.

"When is she ever going to learn?" Layla giggled.

"Hopefully soon, I think mom is going to have a heart attack if she has to clean up another pair of poopy underwear," Shawn joked.

Their laughter was cut short by Karen asking Shawn to bring her another pair of Aaliyah's underwear. Shawn got up, and did as he was told.

He walked up the stairs to his sisters room where he was immediately confused, and he realized he had no idea where underwear would be. There were so many dressers and drawers, he didn't even know where to begin. Why must babies have so many things?

He searched and searched, and eventually he found them in a basket in the bottom of the changing table. He took them to his mother, and then returned to the living room.

However, he wasn't expecting what he saw.

His mouth went dry at the sight of his best friend laying on the couch, shaking uncontrollably. White foam poured out of her mouth, and her eyes were glued to one side. All Shawn could see was barely a sliver of her crystal gray eyes.

"Layla?" He called out, unable to comprehend the situation. "Layla what's wrong?"

Shawn ran to her side, trying to help in anyway he could. He felt helpless, he didn't know what was happening.

"Mom!" He called, but his voice was barely audible as his panic took over. "Mom!"

Layla continued to shake, and Shawn got more and more scared. The gurgling noise she made kept getting louder.

Finally, Karen came into the room.

"Help me," Shawn cried, tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

It wasn't his fault, but he could help but feel responsible.

Karen grabbed Layla's shoulder and turned her on her side, the white foam continued to pour out.

"You're ok, I've got you," she said softly, moving a pillow to under her head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Shawn pleated. He still felt panicked, and couldn't control his sobbing. "I tried to help her but I didn't know what to do."

"It's ok baby, it's ok. You are fine." Karen tried to calm him, but to no avail.

"What is happening to her?" He sniffled.

"It's a seizure. I don't know why she's having one." Karen shook her head, confused at the situation herself. "Why don't you go upstairs until she calms down?"

Shawn nodded and got up, taking one last look at her before turning the corner and climbing the stairs. He didn't want to go of course, but he also did not want to stay and make things worse than he had already made them.

After Layla's seizure ended, Karen called her parents. She felt guilty. She had one job; to take care of Layla and she hadn't done that.

Layla was awake and confused, in a daze and unaware. She sat curled up on the couch, eyes glued to the last half of a bugs life that flashed on the television. Karen never called Shawn back down, she figured what he saw was traumatizing enough and didn't want him to endure the pain of seeing Layla in this state.

Jacqueline and Ross came to pick up their daughter and take her to the hospital, thanking Karen endlessly for taking care of her during her episode.

That night, Shawn woke up suddenly from his sleep. Images of Layla seizing were all that consumed his brain, following him to his dreams. He was haunted by the thought that it was his fault.

Night after night he would climb into his parent's bed, and his mom would hold him and try to calm him down as the waterworks flowed and flowed.

This went on for months.


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