
186 11 3

October 5th 2018

When Shawn opened his eyes, he found that he was no longer sitting his bed, but instead he was seated in a hospital waiting room. He quickly recognized it as the same hospital Layla received treatment from. There was a TV on in front of him displaying the news.

"This just in, teen pop star Shawn Mendes was found unconscious on the side of a road in Eastern Canada. The internet sensation was on his way to his parents house to celebrate thanksgiving when he got into a car wreck. Mendes' body was found several feet away from the vehicle. Police are investigating."

The anchorman was covered by a photo of Shawn's beloved Jeep after the wreck. The entire side of the car was smashed in, the metal was crinkled and the tires were nearly popped off from being so crooked.

"Awww, man," Shawn whined. "My Jeep!"

"The singer-songwriter was flown immediately to St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, where he is now in critical condition. We will have more on the matter as it comes in." Layla reached for the remote and turned off the TV.

"Are you ok?" She asked Shawn. "I know how tough it is to find out how you died, and yours is way worse than mine."

"No, I-I I just need a minute," Shawn stammered before getting up and walking into the nearest bathroom (he didn't even notice that he glided right through the door). He felt as though a million bricks were weighing on his lungs, a needle was four inches deep into his forehead, his arm was just dangling my a thread, and his insides weighed ten pounds each.

He looked into the mirror, and was surprised to see his face unharmed with the same splotchy beard from earlier.

with the blink on an eye, he was now looking into the rear view mirror of his Jeep.


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