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June 2nd, 2007

After her episode, Layla got extremely sick. That night the doctors would tell her parents that the cancer had spread to her brain, taking shape of a tumor. Since she was so young and the technology at the time was not superb, there was not much they could do without great risk to her life. Even the most positive outcomes would put her in the hospital for the rest of her life, and her parents didn't want that for her. With her consistent, they agreed to let nature take it's course. Until then however, the doctors would continue with the chemo and hope for a miracle.

On this particular day, the first day of summer to be exact, she had just gotten released from a months stay at the hospital. A very eager Shawn had been unable to focus during his last school day, so excited to finally see his best friend after so long.

He sat on the Tremblay's front porch, clutching a folded up piece of paper containing a poem he had written at school for one of their end of the year activities. He had crafted the poem specifically for her, and within it held information he had been trying to tell her for a while, but didn't want to tell her at the hospital. The eight year old had ran all the way to their house, not wanting to miss a minute of Layla's arrival.

After what felt like ages of waiting, he finally saw the maroon mini van cruise into the driveway. He immediately stood up, flattening out his shirt and ruffling his hair.

Shawn saw Layla's parents get out first, and he noticed how puffed their faces looked. Jacqueline went to the side door while Ross went to the trunk, where he removed a wheelchair and unfolded it.

Jacqueline helped pull her daughter out of the vehicle, and even from a great distance Shawn could see how weak and limp she looked. The sight of her shocked him, and he didn't even notice the piece of paper had slipped his grasp. Visions of that awful night flashed in his brain, but he squandered them as quickly as he could.

Layla's mom pushed her towards the house, where she finally saw Shawn and smiled at him.

"Look Layla, look who's here," she said.

Layla opened her eyes with great difficulty, but when she did she didn't fail to smile the same smile she did whenever she saw Shawn.

"She's been though a lot these past few weeks, would you mind if she went to rest?" Jacqueline asked him.

"No not at all," He said. He had made her smile and that was all that mattered to him, even if it was a brief encounter.

However, he couldn't help but think of how sick she really was. He didn't know why he wasn't allowed to visit her this time around, and now he understood why. His mind was so occupied with what just happened, that he completely forgot about the poem. The breeze had picked up the paper, carrying it away to lands unknown. Inscribed upon it lay the words:

To my best friend.
I know you have been away lately, but I don't mind.
You are so beautiful, anyone who disagrees must be blind.
I don't know when I'll see you next, but i can't wait till then.
I love you, will you be my girlfriend?


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