
194 12 0

October 5th, 2018

"Layla..." Shawn said, turning around with his hands still in front of him. "I'm not living anymore am I?"

"Unfortunately, no. I'm sorry Shawn." Layla told him, walking over to by his side and grabbing his hands.

"So then, where am I?"

"Your safe place, where you felt the most at home. Mine was my house too." Layla explained, pausing for a minute to lead Shawn to the bed where they sat next to each other. "And I am here to take you to the afterlife; I'm your guardian angel."

"No way." Shawn stated in fascination , trying to process it all. "What is the afterlife?"

"Strictly speaking I'm not allowed to discuss it. But I promise you will find out in due time."

"And my family? Do they know I'm... dead." The phrase felt unfamiliar on Shawn's tongue.

"Would you like to see them?" Layla asked.

Shawns mouth got dry all of a sudden. He wasn't sure if he could stand seeing his parents and sister, the torment his death must have put on them. He knew that he had to though, as much as it would hurt him. He slowly nodded his head.

"I have to warn you, when I show you this you'll remember it happening - you'll remember dying. You'll feel the pain and everything."

He took a deep breath before nodding again. "I understand."

Layla grabbed Shawn's hands again and closed her eyes, concentrating hard. Shawn felt as though he was falling even though he was still seated.

"Close your eyes," Layla muttered to him, and he did as he was told.


dead // s.m.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt