Chapter 2

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Today was just not Cas's day. He had woken up late, burnt his toast and had to make more, couldn't find his wallet, and his hair was a mess. It was days like these that dean would usually help him calm down, but since he wasn't here, he drove the Impala to work instead. It made him think of Dean and it calmed him down for the day. He walks into the classroom and writes the topic for today on the chalkboard.

When the bell rings, Cas looks to his class. "Alright, today we're talking about the origins of Christianity, and the earliest forms of it."


Dean pays the cab driver and gets out. He had already dropped his bags at the house and now he just needed to see Cas. He walks into the office, in full uniform, and is greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" She asks.

"Can you tell me where Castiel Novak's room is? I'm his boyfriend." Dean says.

"Take a left and it's the third room on your right. Shall I call and tell him you're coming?" she says.

"No, I just got back from Afghanistan, but he doesn't know I'm home. I'm going to surprise him." Dean says with a smile.

She smiles. "I understand."

Dean thanks her before heading towards Cas's classroom. He peeks through the glass and see's that Cas's back is to the door. He opens it quietly and puts a finger to his lips to tell the students to be quiet. He sneaks up behind Cas and taps him on the shoulder.

Cas turns around, expecting to see another teacher, and looks straight into Dean's eyes. "Dean!" he exclaims, throwing his arms around Dean and burying his face in Dean's neck.

"Hey angel. I forgot to mention last night, but I'm coming home." Dean smiles.

All the students are clapping and several teacher and receptionists are watching from the door.

Cas pulls away to look at Dean, tears streaking his smiling face. "You're home for good?"

"Yes, and here is something to promise that." Dean pulls away from Cas and gets down on one knee and pulls out the box, causing some people to gasp.

Cas gasps and puts a hand to his mouth, crying from joy.

"Cas, we've been together since freshman year. We've lasted through fights, tragedies, and distance. These last 2 years have been hell for me, not being able to see my angel except for Christmas, it broke me. Now I don't want to go one more day, without you being mine. So Cas, will you marry me?" Dean says, looking at Cas with anticipation.

"Yes! Of course, yes!" Cas exclaims through his tears.

Dean slips the ring on Cas's finger and pulls him in for a kiss.

Everyone claps and cheers at seeing Cas truly happy for the first time in a long time.

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