Chapter 11

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Sam runs into the hospital, carrying Trevor in his arms and Charlie in her carrier, and up to the nurse's station. "I'm here for Dean and Castiel Winchester, can you tell me where they are?"

"Castiel is still in labor, but if you follow me I can take you to the waiting room." She says.

"Thank you." Sam follows her to the waiting room and sits Charlie's carrier in the seat on his left, and sits Trevor down on the seat to his right.

"Is Uncle Cas having the babies Daddy?" Trevor asks.

"Yeah, soon you'll have 4 little cousins." Sam smiles.


Cas has been pushing for what feels like forever, when there is suddenly the sound of a baby crying.

"It's a boy!" the nurse says, handing it off to another to go clean.

"Ok Castiel, just three more and this is all over." Dr. Trevor says.

"I-I can't" Cas turns to look at Dean, tears streaking his face. "Make it stop, please make it stop."

"Shh, you can do this Cas." Dean kisses him softly. "Just think of our children, and after all this we'll get to meet them all."

Cas nods and then clenches Dean's hand as he pushes.


Cas hears the fourth start to cry, and then he slumps into the bed, exhausted.

"You did it angel." Dean says softly, brushing Cas's hair off his sweaty forehead.

"C-Can I see them?" Cas asks weakly, almost whispering.

"Here they are." The nurse from earlier, who according to her nametag is 'Tammy', walks over with two babies wrapped in blue blankets in her arms. She hands them off to Cas. "Here are the two boys."

"And the others?" Dean asks, not taking his eyes off the babies in Cas's hands.

Tammy turns to another nurse who hands her two babies wrapped in pink blankets. "Here are your two daughters." She hands them to Dean.

Dean looks at the babies in his arms and starts to cry. "Look Cas, we have a f-family." He gets choked up. "T-two beautiful daughters, and t-two beautiful s-sons."

"We still need to name them." Cas says softly.

"I'll name one boy and one girl and you'll do the same?" Dean suggests.

Cas nods. "Hand me one of the girls and I'll give you one of the boys."

Dean gives Cas one of the girls, and takes one of the boys.

"Mary Johanna Winchester." Dean says softly, looking at Mary's tiny face.

Cas smiles. "Ellen Jessica Winchester." He looks at Ellen's tiny face and his smile gets wider.

"Benjamin Bobby Winchester." Dean says, looking at Ben and smiling.

"Samuel Gabriel Winchester." Cas says, smiling at Samuel.

Dean smiles.

Tammy hands them four fabric tags with ribbons. "They're names are written on them, that way you can tell which is which until they start to look different from each other."

Dean ties Mary's and Ben's tags onto their blankets.

Cas does the same with Ellen's and Sam's. "Would you like to hold Ellen and Sam?"

"Sure, I'll let you hold Mary and Ben." Dean switches kids with Cas.

They stay there, looking at their children, when Cas yawns.

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