Chapter 8

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Cas woke up to his alarm clock and groaned. He was now 4 months pregnant and he already had a good sized baby bump. He raises himself op out of bed with a groan.

"You okay baby?" Dean asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm going to go take a shower." Cas says, standing up.

"I'll go make breakfast." Dean says, fiving Cas a quick kiss before he leaves.


Cas comes down 10 minutes later, dressed in a very tight shirt. "Dean, we need to go shopping again. I outgrew these too." he rubs his belly as he sits down at the table.

"I'll pick some up on my way home from work." Dean says, laying a plate of food in front of Cas.

"Thanks baby, don't know what I'd do without you." Cas kisses Dean quickly and then hurriedly eats his breakfast.

"Promise to call me if you feel weird at all?" Dean says, handing Cas his to-go mug full of hot tea.

"I promise Dean." Cas says, stepping into his trench coat that Dean holds out for him.

"I'll call you when I get the chance. Make sure to answer me, or at least send me a message telling me you're busy." Dean says.

"Baby, stop worrying. I'll take care of all 5 of us." Cas kisses Dean softly. "See you after work."

"I'll miss you. Love you!" Dean shouts after Cas as he walks towards his car.

"Love you too!" Cas shouts back, before getting in the car and driving to the school.


"Good morning Mr. Novak." Sarah, one of Cas's favorite students, says.

"It's Mr. Winchester now Sarah." Cas says, smiling.

"Sorry, how are you feeling?" Sarah asks.

"Fine. A little like an oversized blimp, but otherwise fine." Cas says.

Reagan, Heather, and Lisa, all walk up beside Sarah.

"You are not oversized." Reagan says.

"Yeah, I mean you're carrying four!" Heather exclaims.

Cas chuckles. "Thank you girls."

"We brought you something." Lisa hands over a box.

Cas opens it and inside is a package of tea made especially to help with pregnancy, and handwritten recipes.

"We had our Moms write down their best pregnancy friendly recipes." Sarah says.

"I'm one of five so my Mom had a good amount to put in there." Reagan says.

"Thank you very much girls. This was very thoughtful." Cas says, smiling.

The girls all smile, and then the bell rings and they sit down as the rest of the class files in.

"Alright." Cas says, sitting on the chair by the chalkboard. "Today we're going to talk about angel and demon lore. All religions have some form of demons, but not all have angels."


Cas's students are all working on the assignment he gave him when his phone rings. He answers it. "Castiel Winchester."

"Hey Cas." Dean says.

"Hey Dean." Cas says.

A few students look up and smile when they hear Dean's name.

"How are my favorite 5 people in the world doing?" Dean asks.

"We're doing fine." Cas says, rubbing his stomach.

"I was thinking of stopping in for lunch with you." Dean says. "Still haven't met a lot of your teacher buddies."

"That'd be great baby." Cas says.

"I'll see you at lunch then?" Dean asks.

"Can't wait." Cas smiles. "I love you."

"Love you too." Dean says.

Cas hangs up with a smile.

The bell rings and the students start gathering their stuff.

"Remember, the worksheet is due at the start of class tomorrow." Cas says. "I expect everyone to turn it in."

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