Chapter 6

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Dean was nervous. Today was their wedding, and the day they made the big announcement. He makes Cas a morning sickness friendly breakfast that he'd found online and is finishing it when he hears Cas walk down the stairs. "Morning Angel!"

"G'Morning." Cas mumbles.

Dean lays the breakfast in front of him and kisses his forehead. "Morning sickness friendly, just for you."

"How was I lucky enough to get you?" Cas asks, smiling.

"You were the quirky, hot nerd in the trench coat that made me fall in love with him." Dean smirks.

"And you were the persistent bad boy who wouldn't take no for an answer after a whole week of them." Cas smiles.

"Well, it paid off." Dean kisses Cas softly.

Cas smiles. "I'm going to go take a shower and then we can go. Gabriel and Sam are going to help us at the church."

"So your brother is able to make it?" Dean asks, surprised.

"Yeah. I'm as surprised as you are." Cas says. Anna and Balthazar are coming too, but none of my other siblings."

"Alright, go take a shower so we can get going." Dean says.


Cas standing in one of the dressing rooms in the church, about to put on his shirt, when his brother Gabriel walks in.

"Hey Cassie! How you doing?" Gabriel says with a smile.

"Great, nervous, but great." Cas says.

"Wow Cas, you've put on some weight!" Gabriel says, gesturing to his slightly swollen stomach.

"Yeah, haven't had time to exercise with all the wedding planning." Cas lies.

"Well you need to." Gabriel laughs. "I'm just joking, you ready to walk down the aisle little brother?"

"If you can help me with this tie, then yes." Cas says, frustrated with the tie.

Gabriel laughs and fixes the tie.


Dean watches as Cas walks down the aisle, and he's suddenly really nervous about his vows.

Cas reaches Dean and takes hold of his hands.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the marriage of Dean and Castiel." The officiant says.

Dean and Cas ignore all the rest until they are asked to say their vows. Dean goes first.

"Cas, I remember when we first met, and I was such a wreck. I was the bad boy with the worst reputation, but something about you intrigued me. I realize now that it was love at first sight. I've been through war, and the every time I would wonder what I was fighting for I would remember you. Now I can't imagine I life without you. So I am giving you my love, my heart, and my life. And I promise to always be there to love and protect you." Dean leans in to whisper to Cas. "All five of you." He slips the ring onto Cas's finger.

"Dean, I also remember when we first met. You were the persistent bad boy, and I knew I was in love with you when I first saw you. I was just scared to admit it. And now, thanks to your persistence we're standing here today. We've been together so long that this feels perfect, it feels meant to be. And I promise to be there always. We'll have a family, kids, and we'll grow old together. I give you my love, my heart, and my life." Cas slips the ring on Dean's finger.

"I know pronounce you Husbands, you may kiss."

Dean pulls Cas into a passionate and loving kiss.

Everyone claps and cheers though their tears.

They walk down the aisle and into the car that is taking them to pictures and then the reception.

Cas starts laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dean asks, smiling.

"We actually got married and I'm actually pregnant!" Cas exclaims. "It's not all a dream!"

Dean laughs. "Of course not." He leans in and kisses Cas. "Castiel Winchester, I love the sound of that."

"Mmm. Me too." Cas says, kissing Dean again.

"Let's get pictures over with, we have an announcement to make." Dean says.

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