Chapter 10

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Cas sat at home and flipped through the TV for something to watch. He was now almost 9 months pregnant, and he was told to stop working when he was at most 6 months. He had stopped at 5 ½ and had been sitting at home every day since.

Dean walks through the garage door. "Hey angel, I'm home!" he takes off his coat and silently lays down the large bag he is carrying.

"Living room." Cas yells. "I'd come to you, but it's a pain to get up alone."

Dean walks into the living room and kisses Cas. "How was your day?"

"Boring as usual." Cas sighs. He holds out an arm.

Dean grabs onto it and helps him up off the couch.

"We still need to put together the cribs." Cas says tiredly, rubbing his stomach.

"I can do that, I don't want you exhausting yourself." Dean says.

"I know, but I'd at least like to be in there." Cas says. "We still need to decorate, and get sheets and blankets for the cribs."

"Go on up to the nursery, I'll be right there." Dean smiles mischievously.

Cas walks upstairs to the nursery and sits on the small couch.

Dean comes in, holding the big bag he had brought home. "I got a surprise for the little ones."" He smiles and hands the bag to Cas.

Cas opens the bag and puts a hand to his mouth, about to cry.

Inside are 4 sets off baby sheets and blankets with 'Winchester' embroidered on each of them, and 4 teddy bears all different colors.

"I made sure not to get and blue and pink since we decided not to know the sexes." Dean says, nervously shifting from foot to foot.

"They're perfect Dean." Cas says, fighting back tears.

"Oh and one more thing." Dean pulls off the sheet that had been covering the crib boxes, to reveal 4 already built cribs.

Cas is shocked. "How did you do this without me knowing?" he asks.

"Bobby, Ash, and Sam came over while you were with Jess shopping for supplies and a huge diaper bag." Dean says, smiling. "We each built one and were done in under an hour." He sits next to Cas.

"I love you so much." Cas says, cupping Dean's cheek.

"I love you too angel." Dean says.

Cas pulls Dean in for a soft kiss. "I can't believe they're almost here." He whispers.

"I know." Dean smiles.

Cas winces when he feels another pain in his abdomen.

"Are you okay?" Dean asks worriedly.

"Braxton Hicks, I'm fine." Cas says. "They'll go away pretty soon."

"Ok, I'm going to start putting the bedding in the cribs, just sit here." Dean says, standing up.

Cas lays back on the couch and takes deep breaths while massaging his swollen stomach.

"I'll be right back, I need to get to get something to cut open this impossible packaging. You need anything?" Dean says.

"I'm fine Dean, go." Cas smiles.

Dean goes downstairs and to the kitchen. He opens the junk drawer and finds a pair of scissors.

Cas is hit with another pain, but this one is different than Braxton Hicks. "Gah!" he screams.

"Cas!" Dean yells, dropping the scissors and running upstairs as fast as he can.

"Dean!" Cas yells, trying to sit up.

"Cas! What's wrong?!" Dean asks worriedly, helping Cas to sit up.

"They're coming Dean!" Cas says.

"Oh my god! Here, I'll carry you to the car. The hospital bag is already in the trunk." Dean says frantically, picking Cas up and trying to stop from panicking.


Dean runs into the hospital. "Where is Dr. Trevor?! Does anyone know where Dr. Trevor is?!" he screams.

A small woman rushes over to him. "I'm Dr. Trevor's nurse, what is the problem?"

"I'm Dean Winchester, my husband Castiel is in the car and about to give birth!" Dean says frantically.

Her eyes widen. "Dr. Trevor told me you were coming, I'll send a nurse out with a wheelchair while I find him."

Dean rushes back out to the car where Cas is. "They're bringing a wheelchair, just calm down. Everything is going to be fine." He says, trying to reassure Cas as well as himself.

A nurse rushes to the car with a wheelchair. She helps Dean get Cas into it, and then quickly pushes him inside.


Cas is lying on the bed in a hospital gown, and he's scared. "Dean."

Dean grabs a hold of Cas's hand. "It's alright angel, it's all going to be fine."

Cas squeezes his hand and screams as he is hit with another contraction, more painful than the others.

"We need a doctor!" Dean yells.

Dr. Trevor comes rushing in with the nurse at his side, and several other nurses following behind.

"Okay Castiel, you're doing great." Dr. Trevor checks between Cas's legs. "Ok, you're fully dilated. When I tell you to push, push."

Cas nods. Gripping onto Dean's hand tightly.

"Okay, push." Dr. Trevor says.

Cas pushes as hard as he can, sweating and screaming in pain.

"Come on Cas, you can do this." Dean kisses Cas's sweaty forehead.

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