Chapter 3

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Dean parks Baby in front of Sam's law firm, and turns to Cas. "Ready to surprise Sammy?"

Cas smiles and squeezes Dean's hand. "Let's go then." He gives Dean a quick kiss before getting out of the car.

Dean walks inside and he and Cas walk to the reception desk. "Hello Jamie." Cas says.

"Hey Cas! Who's the handsome soldier with you today?" Jamie asks.

"This is my fiancé Dean Winchester." Cas says with a smile.

"Oh, you're Sam's older brother! Should I tell him I'm sending you both back?" Jamie says.

"Could we actually sneak back? He doesn't know I'm home, or engaged." Dean says.

"Of course! Just go back to his office." Jamie says.

"Thank you." Cas says. He leads Dean back to Sam's office.

Dean opens the door slightly and see his brother also has his back to the door. He slowly slips in and Cas stands in the doorway. He looks at his brother and smiles. Then he knocks on the door twice.

"The reports are almost done Henry, I'll bring them to your office when I'm done. Now can you please stop bothering me so I can work?" Sam says, without turning around to see who it is.

"Well if you're going to be a bitch about it then I guess I should leave." Dean says, smiling.

Sam turns around suddenly at the sound of his brother's voice. His eyes widen and he gets up and runs to Dean, throwing his arms around his brother. "Your home!" he exclaims.

"Yeah, I am. For good this time." Dean says, still embracing his brother.

"Why didn't Cas tell me?" Sam asks, letting go of his brother.

"Because I didn't know until a few hours ago. He decided to surprise us all." Cas says, stepping into the room and standing next to Dean, holding his hand.

"He's still a drama queen." Sam says, laughing.

"Bitch." Dean says.

"Jerk." Sam says with a huge smile. "Have you told Bobby yet?"

"That's the next stop." Dean says with a smile.

"Do you want to come with us?" Cas asks.

"Sure, I'll just tell Jamie to let everyone know I'm leaving for the day." Sam says, pulling on his suit jacket.

"We need to stop by our place real fast though, I'm still in uniform and I need to change in order for my plan to surprise Bobby to work." Dean says, smiling mischievously before turning to leave the office.

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