Chapter 1: The Raid of The Black Temple

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Alyssana and Co have finally made it to Outland after so many missions to prove their worth of capturing the lord of Outland, The Betrayer. The group decided to camp somewhere outside of the Black Temple without being spotted by any demons or Illidari. Mirith and Hermes were going over what bombs to use for the attack, Nodin meditates to gather energy for the attack and as usual Klothrain is fixing his hair to "look fabulous" as he battles. Telean and Alyssana were discussing of how they were going to plan the attack on The Black Temple and if they knew they weren't going to win to plan their retreat.

"Do you think we'll make it?" Telean worried, looking at Alyssana to find any doubt within her.

All he could see was her flawless beauty and her intent for justice to be brought upon The Betrayer.

"We will make it." She reassured. "It will be tough since we'll be outnumbered but our team is strong. I believe that we can do this. We have our bombers; we have our warriors and hunters and we have magic. We will bring The Betrayer to his knees, begging for mercy and we'll bring him back to Mount Hyjal where he'll be imprisoned for eternity."

"Look," Telean began. "I know what he did was wrong. Making a new well of eternity but- "

"But what?" Alyssana shot. "He knew what would happen if a new well of eternity was made yet he did it anyway! Plus, he absorbed the powers from the skull of Gul'dan and became a demon! He must be brought to justice!"

Telean turned away in shock. He had never seen Alyssana in such anger over a Night Elf turned demon who had done wrong by his race and possibly brought danger to the world of Azeroth. Soon, it would be time for Alyssana and Co to proceed with their attack and nobody knew if they would come back home.


They all laid there, either beaten down, knocked out or dead. Nodin had one of his horns broken off. Mirith's throat was slit open with the surrounding ground being stained with her blood. Hermes' small gnome body was cut in half and Klothrain took a huge blow to the back of the head. Only Telean and Alyssana were breathing and they weren't about to go down without a fight. However, Telean could barely get up on his feet and a nearby Illidari placed his bare foot on Telean's head and he was almost closely face-to-face with the helpless arcane mage. Alyssana looked at him in horror, knowing what was to come. Telean mouthed "I love you.", before he was beheaded right in front of her, his blood spattered all over her face! His head rolled over to a pair of hooves that stopped it. Alyssana, filled with despair, heartbreak, anger, rage and eyes full of tears, she studied the hooves that lead to pants, a torso with arcane tattoos, huge clawed hands, huge demonic wings to a head with horns and a rag over the eyes that glowed a Fel green. The Betrayer was amongst her presence along with more Illidari.

"Give up, human." The Betrayer spoke in his deep voice. "You're outnumbered. There's no reason to keep fighting anymore."

"Yes, there is, you mongrel!" Alyssana growled, her voice starting to become distorted.

The Illidari and The Betrayer stepped back as Alyssana levitated herself off the ground facing the crowd of Illidari and The Betrayer.

"Didn't you hear the master?!" a male Blood Elf Illidari chastised Alyssana.

"Surrender yourself, mage!" a female Blood Elf Illidari chimed in.

Alyssana had her eyes closed, focusing on channelling Arcane magic around her body as if it's to amplify her own magical abilities. What seemed like moments, the Illidari looking to their master for advice about the situation, the enraged mage opened her eyes to reveal her eyes have completely turned a glowing pastel purple and the rest of her body became completely covered in pure Arcane magic, as if she became an elemental humanoid. This Arcane-filled form was nothing close to a Shadow Priest's Shadowform as Alyssana was completely overrun with Arcane magic just waiting to explode from her. Finally, she let out a terrifying scream that could closely match a Banshee's shriek and the sky turned dark and a purple flash appeared in the blackened clouds!

"Betrayer!!!" Alyssana screamed. "You have committed too many crimes and caused the deaths of many because of 'sacrifice'! You shall pay for all the innocent souls lost to your misdeeds! Now you shall finally die!!!"

Arcane missiles rained down like hail across the field, hitting all the Illidari and The Betrayer himself, Alyssana's rage empowering the Arcane missiles. Tears streamed down her face although she wasn't sad but she was consumed by rage and pure hatred! What seemed like forever, the Arcane hail finally stopped and Alyssana's Arcane hue on her body and eyes faded away and she hit the ground, exhausted and out of mana. Unfortunately, most of the Illidari survived as well as The Betrayer but they were all injured from the mage's Arcane missiles. The Betrayer walked closer to her fragile body, looking to see if she could move. He knelt close to her and she exhaustedly opened her eyes to come face to face with The Betrayer.

"Kill me..." Alyssana sobbed in a husky voice. "I...I deserve it. I failed all my friends. I promised them that they would return home after this. I've failed their families. I've failed myself. Please...end this pain I've brought upon myself..."

"That's enough, human." The Betrayer hushed her with a finger to her dry cracked lips, careful not to hit her with his claw. "You deserve mercy for all you've done. I've never seen a human with such determination to avenge all of her friend's deaths with such raw and intense power."

"Illidan, why are you sparing her?!" a male Illidari interrupted.

"Silence!" Illidan bellowed. "I will take her under my wing and make her our new ally! What you witnessed was a pure sorceress with incredible power over the Arcane. As having experience with this magic myself, I will take her under my wing as my apprentice!"

The crowd of Illidari were shocked, half of them were interested to know why, while the other half disapproved of Illidan's idea.

He turned back to Alyssana who seemed to have passed out, amidst the loud uproar. "Little one, I don't know if you can hear me, but you will return home as a legend. A more powerful mage than ever known before. I will teach you the things about Arcane magic you never knew." He quietly said to her, picking up her unconscious body and taking flight in the sky to bring her to the Black Temple.

When she awakes, she will be forced to be Illidan's new ally and who knows how she will be his ally or if she will survive his training...

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