Final Chapter: Home and Safe at Last...But at What Cost?

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Author's note: Hello guys! Before you start reading the story, I just wanted to thank those who enjoyed reading this story up until this point. I know some of you may be disappointed with the previous chapter, what with the fight scene between Maiev and Alyssana being a little short, but keep this in mind; Alyssana still has much to learn! With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy this final chapter and again, thank you for being supportive by reading, voting and giving feedback on this story.


"I am Tyrande Whisperwind, standing leader for the Night Elves while my partner, Malfurion Stormrage dwells within the Emerald Dream." the night elf introduced herself.

Alyssana's breath hitched when she heard the names, "Tyrande" and "Malfurion". Then it clicked! She heard these names mentioned before by Illidan, but not in a pleasant way either.

"So you're Tyrande?" Alyssana gasped. "Illidan spoke of you during my time with him."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Tyrande muttered, sighing through her nose. "He also spoke of Malfurion, I presume?"

The mage nodded with a giggle, knowing how Illidan spoke ill of his twin brother and then sighed sadly as she remembered how he wouldn't want their child being taught druidism by Malfurion. Not to mention how that's all he ever did, always speaking badly about his twin brother.

"If you're going to ask, yes, I know who you are." Tyrande began. "You're Alyssana Runelight, a talented mage who allied herself with Illidan Stormrage, Malfurion's twin brother. I have heard of you from word of mouth, but Elune granted me visions of your time with Illidan."

"What?" Alyssana perplexed in awe. "But how? Does that mean-"

"I am the high priestess of the moon and I follow the word of Elune herself." Tyrande started to explain with a smile. "Yes, Alyssana. Elune has shown me that you are expecting Illidan's child and she showed me the discussion between the both of you about it's future upbringing."

"Elune grants you these visions? That's amazing!" Alyssana exclaimed in amazement. "And I am glad that you've shown kindness to me, unlike the other night elves."

"They would never understand what you've been through and the fact that you're pregnant with Illidan's child, they also wouldn't understand yet again that you being with Illidan changed him a little." the priestess disclosed to the mage. "Walk with me to the Temple of the Moon. Our herbalist and alchemist can provide you with remedies to assist the nutrition and growth of your child."

"Thank you again, Tyrande." Alyssana mused, happy knowing that Tyrande hasn't said a word of negativity towards her nor shown it.

As they were getting near the walkway to the temple, a male night elf came running towards them, looking panicked! "Priestess Tyrande!"

"Calm down, Rell! Take a breather and tell us what's wrong." Tyrande replied.

"The leaders of the Alliance including King Varian have arrived." Rell panted as he tried to catch his breath and then he looked Alyssana. "You know they're looking for her, right?"

"Yes, I acknowledge what she has done in the past and who she was with." Tyrande sighed. "She will accompany me along with you."

Rell didn't complain but he did fire a mean look at Alyssana before joining her side as they all walked with Tyrande to the temple. He noticed that the mage had her hands on her belly, caressing it with her thumbs and Rell had already figured it out. He sighed through his nose at the thought of Alyssana being pregnant with Illidan's child but he kept his composure to not show his distaste. Once they were at the entrance of the Temple, all leaders of the Alliance were gathered. Alyssana shuddered at the sight of King Varian, his face clearly showing his disgust of Alyssana's betrayal. Then she saw other familiar faces like Magni Bronzebeard, the king of Ironforge, Gelbin Mekkatorque the High Tinker, but there was one she didn't recognise. An elderly Draenei male who stood tall with white hair including a long beard, in white and golden robes and a strange symbol on his head. He immediately turned his sight to Alyssana and she looked away quickly.

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