Chapter 17: Preparing For The Worst

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Alyssana was speechless! It felt as if her own ability to breathe had been taken away and her heart suddenly started to race. Illidan Stormrage, The Betrayer has proposed! Alyssana had a sudden flashback to when Ludwig had first proposed to her 6 years ago and she remembered it as if it was yesterday. They were in a garden filled with various flowers, a circular fountain in the middle whilst the water sprayed quietly. It was night with a full moon in the starry skies and a gentle wind blowing with ease. Ludwig had picked a rose in a deep shade of red and had given it to Alyssana to hold as they walked to the bench. Ludwig's dark blue hair had been softly blown with the gentle breeze as he got down on one knee and had proposed to Alyssana. They too made love that night with thankfully no one around to watch. Even though deep down he was an evil man and Alyssana didn't know of it, he was quiet the charmer. The mage was suddenly brought back to reality as she looked at the emerald ring brought before her by Illidan. The beautiful green colour gleamed with beauty and the steel band was shiny as well. She repeated in her head what he had said to her before;

"Once our baby is born, I want you to activate the enchantment within."
"It will turn me back into my Night Elf form."

Without another word, Alyssana immediately hugged Illidan tightly and pulled back to look at him in the eyes. She stroked his cheek and kissed him deeply and passionately, healing the damage they made to each other's broken heart. They pulled away from each other for air and Illidan nuzzled his forehead on Alyssana's.

"Are you sure about giving up your powers?" Alyssana asked him, looking him deep in the eyes.

"Yes, of course I'm sure." He replied. "If anything, after the Burning Legion is no more, I want to have a normal happy family with you. We both wanted it once upon a time in our pasts, but either the one we wanted it with before was either not interested or they hurt us."

"I couldn't agree more with that." Alyssana sighed then she felt her eyes stinging with tears. "Oh by the bloody Light, why am I such a big crybaby?! Ugh, I hate crying!!!"

Illidan chuckled and softly stroked her tears away from her face now wet with said tears and her cheeks and nose a pink-rosy red with his thumbs, carefully as to not prick her with his claws. He admired this about her. The way she would get super emotional over something so small meaning she cares a lot! And there should be nothing wrong with caring nor should there be such a thing about caring too much. That just shows that the person has a huge heart! Alyssana finally having stopped crying smiled at Illidan and held out her left hand for him to put the ring on.

"How'd you know that I like emerald?" She asked him with a sniffle.

"Green is your favourite colour, right?" Illidan countered with a smile, as he slid the ring on her fourth finger. "I love you, Alyssana."

Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink and she smiled to the point her dimples showed. "And I love you, Illidan."

She suddenly felt a movement in her belly as her whole body jerked in surprise!

"What was that?" Illidan exclaimed. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine!" The mage laughed. "I think it moved."

"You're not feeling any pain at all?" Illidan panicked, hold his human lover by her upper arms.

"Aside from our fight, I'm okay!" Alyssana laughed again, this time laughing uncontrollably due to Illidan's face being an expression of shock.

Apprentice to The Betrayer (A World of Warcraft Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن