Chapter 16: A Battle of Two Hearts

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Outside Alyssana's room...

"Dammit!" Lehara cursed. "Illidan needs to come back now!"

"Why?" Faralana asked her.

"I overheard her speaking to herself! I think she's going to leave!"

"And just how do you plan on convincing her not to leave?" Mylora scoffed. "And how in Hellsheim are we supposed to contact Illidan when he's flown off to Elune knows where?!"

"Fara and me will try to talk Alyssana out of leaving." Lehara commanded. "Mylora, you take Ced, Cam and Tynsalia to go find Illidan and bring him back here! He has to know!"

Although she hesitated, Mylora nodded and gestured the others, except for Faralana and Lehara to follow her to search for Illidan's whereabouts. Attempting one more time, Lehara knocked on Alyssana's door. Finally, she opened it!

"We were worried about you! What happened?" Faralana probed, stepping in front of Lehara.

Alyssana gestured the both of them to enter her room and she sat down on her bed.

"I need to get out of here."

"What did you say that made Illidan get angry at you?" Lehara asked her. "And why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?!"

"I only found out today!" Alyssana exclaimed. "All i did was suggest that maybe the safest place for me and Illidan's child is to raise it among the Night Elves. As soon as i mentioned Tyrande of all people, he got mad at me!"

"Yeah, that would've triggered his anger." Faralana cringed. "However, you do have a point in that."

"Uh hello? We're meant to be talking her out of-"

"Lehara! You're more than welcome to convince her not to leave, but I'm on her side!" Faralana sassed as she sat next to Alyssana. "So it was just as soon as you mentioned Tyrande, right? And that the child should be raised in Teldrassil, knowing it would have Night Elf ethnicity?"

Alyssana nodded quickly in response.

"And you think the baby won't be safe here?" Lehara spoke up with a question, a sad tone in her voice.

Again, the mage nodded in agreement. "It's not that i doubt it would be safe here, it's just with everything going on, i'd want to be around a safer and peaceful environment so that the baby would have a better place to stay. I don't think Illidan understood that because all he went off about was me leaving him as if it was the end of our relationship."

"He thought you were leaving him?" Lehara gasped.

"Yeah! I wasn't planning on leaving him, damn the Light! I was trying to explain that after the baby is born, it would have to be taken to Teldrassil." Alyssana explained with relief. "But that stubborn ass, horny-headed, edgy Fel-eyed fucking asshole took off before I could fucking explain it fully!"

"Oh, by Elune! Remember when you came here and I told you that he can be an asshole at times?" Lehara mentioned. "Well this is one of those times! Look, just try to relax and maybe when Illidan comes back, he'll see reason."

"I fucking doubt it!" The mage snapped in tears. "At first, all I wanted to do was escape from here because I wanted to go home! But now I'm stuck with his child in my Light forsaken womb and I'm madly in love with that horned Fel tatted demon! He's stubborn, but I fucking love him all the same if he could just not be a fucking prick!"

Faralana rubbed Alyssana's back in comfort and she spied the bag that was in the corner of Alyssana's room. "Hey what's in there? I saw Illidan carry that here!"

Apprentice to The Betrayer (A World of Warcraft Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora