Chapter 9: Peacemaker

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Alyssana got to Illidan in time but not before he had collapsed and she quickly rushed over to him!

"Illidan!" she called out to him, hoping he's still wary.

"Alyssana..." he weakly said her name with panic then coughed out black blood. "No! Get out of here, please. I don't want to see you get hurt!"

"Step away, you filthy human whore! He's mine!" said a vicious female voice that sounded familiar to Alyssana and it made her blood boil.

She looked over Illidan's shoulder and saw Tynsalia had fallen but thankfully, she was unconscious!

Alyssana kissed Illidan's forehead and held him close. "I'll take care of this, my master. I'll teleport you home so you can recover your strength." she whispered to him.

Alyssana stood up and sighed heavily. She quickly conjured prismatic shields around Illidan, Tynsalia and herself and started muttering a spell.

"Alyssana, please! Don't do this!" Illidan shouted then winced in pain. "I...don't want to...lose you!"

Tynsalia regained consciousness and opened her eyes to see Faralana trying to attack Alyssana to stop her from chanting but the mage had perfected her shield spells to the point where they almost couldn't be broken. Illidan and Tynsalia were teleported back to The Black Temple and when Alyssana's shield finally broke down, with swiftness she avoided an attack from Faralana!

"You think sacrificing your life will save Illidan?! Ha, as if! He only chose you as an apprentice because all he wants is a fuck-toy!" Faralana mocked the mage. "You are nothing special!"

After that last remark, Alyssana turned to face Faralana. The blood elf demon hunter's face quickly turned from cocky to pale with horror. The mage's eyes had completely turned black with a purple shimmer. She stared down Faralana and conjured up blades powered with Arcane energy!

"You see, Fara, neither of us are special in any way. But the fact that Illidan chose me and he wanted to make me feel special, that's different! You on the other hand, you got jealous all because he chose me over you! I remember you saying that Illidan could do better than me and trust me, you're not the first person to say something like that to me and in this case, it was in the past when I did have somebody. It was a mess in the end, but I'm better off without him." Alyssana reminisced. "Aside from all that, I'm willing to make things easier for you."

Faralana couldn't believe what she was hearing! "W-what?!" she stuttered. "How would you make things easier?! I had Illidan in my grasp-"

"If it's what you think it is, no I'm not going to hand over Illidan to you, I belong to him as he belongs to me." Alyssana interrupted, clarifying Faralana's confusion. "I'm willing to not fight you so I'll give you two choices; Surrender and come back to the temple and pretend as if nothing happened...or we fight and one of us will be walking away from here alive. I may be a mage but I'm also skilled in the use of blades such as these."

Faralana's confusion disappeared and her facial expression turned bitter. She thought about it, no one would forget about what she did but knowing her nemesis, that she clearly named as her enemy from when they first met, is willing to let things go and make peace? Then she looked at the mage's conjured blades, humming with arcane energy as if they were desperate to cut into Faralana's skin.

'Even if she surrenders, I have to keep a very close eye on her.'

"I have one question." The blood elf began. "Why exactly would you be willing to spare my life? After what I did to Illidan earlier?"

"Because one; I've been in a similar situation before and the other didn't want peace so I had to end things quickly. To make things worse, I was right where you were standing before I arrived. And second; I want to make things right between us as I know you are highly respected as a commander. So basically, I want no fighting and no jealousy between us." Alyssana stated with a blank expression, lying about the first statement.

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