Chapter 10: Her Darkest Secret

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She still wouldn't look at Illidan in the eye. His demon form truly terrified the fragile-hearted mage and Illidan was finding it hard to completely calm her down. The only thing he could do was give her physical comfort!

"Alyssana?" He spoke softly in a loving tone, rubbing her hand gently with his thumb.

That's the second time he called her by name! Not "my apprentice" or "little one"! The mage perked her head up to see a worried look on Illidan's face. He already noticed how scared Alyssana was of him and it made her heart flutter knowing that he wants to make it up to her. But she also knew that he wants to know the full truth. The truth about Alyssana's past! In a flash, she wrapped her arms around Illidan's shoulders in an embrace and let it all out. He held her, gave her a little squeeze and started to stroke her head to comfort her more. Then she pulled away a little to start banging his chest with her hands in an angry yet tearful fit!

"You idiot! I knew you'd be scary when you get angry but not that bloody scary!!!" She sobbed and all Illidan could do was look at her and smile in adoration and amusement. "You could've at least given me a fucking heads up that you'd-"

He silenced her ranting with a deep kiss and clasped her face with his big hands but being careful not to prick her with his claws. She moaned into the kiss as Illidan stuck his tongue in her mouth and licked every bit of it, knowing this was a real turn on for her. All Alyssana could do was almost go limp with this overwhelming amount of pleasure she was getting from this passionate and lustful kiss! Illidan pulled away slowly and watched his lover catch her breath with a pleasured expression on her face.

"I worried about you when you teleported me and Tynsalia away." Illidan began. "Once I was fully healed, I had Lehara and Cedrannul go look for you and assist you. I didn't expect that you'd be willing to sacrifice your life for mine by turning yourself in to Maiev."

"If I did, she wouldn't have found out I was conspiring with you and I would've struck at her when she least expected it." Alyssana sighed heavily.

"Still, you would've been killed!" The Demon Hunter lectured her. "How many times do I have to tell you? Maiev is dangerous, regardless of how well you know how to trick a Rogue! Your rogue friend wasn't nearly as skilled as Maiev!"

The mage's expression turned into sadness as she was being lectured by Illidan. She winced in pain from her shoulder and laid down on a pillow and she felt her eyelids suddenly become heavy. Illidan crawled up next to her and held her close as he hovered his hand over her shoulder began muttering a healing spell. She opened her eyes slightly to see Illidan chanting his spell and she felt tears once again well up in her eyes.

'Even though I almost gave up my life to save him, he still prefers me to stay alive. I don't think I've ever felt this way with my ex-husband.' She thought to herself as she formed a smile.

Once Illidan was done chanting the spell, Alyssana's shoulder was fully healed! She took this opportunity to kiss Illidan as thanks for healing her. She stroked his right cheek softly and he softly groaned, leaning into her touch.

"Illidan?" The mage spoke. "I think it's time I told you the truth."

"The truth?" He wondered with a slight head tilt. "About what?"

Alyssana sat up from the bed and got off to stand up and face Illidan. "The truth about me. About why I hexed myself from casting that Fire and Ice Dragon spell."

Illidan quickly took interest and sat up and paid attention to her. "Go on, little one."

The mage took in a deep breath to compose herself and began to reveal her truth. "The truth is, that spell, it wasn't hexed! That spell had always tired me out whenever I cast it because I haven't fully mastered it yet. But that's not the only thing I've been hiding from you."

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