The Cold

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"A-Choo" She sneezed, from her bright red nose. Her eyes were watering and her cheeks were puffy.
"Are you sure there's nothing I can do for you?" His loving eyes smother her. "I can run you a bath, make you some soup or I can fluff your pillows."
"Casp, I told you I'm fine. It's just a cold." She spoke gently, each word going through one ear and straight out the other.
"I'll get you some flowers.. wait no the pollen. Some... Some.." He frowned as he was lost in thought. The Long red curtains blew in a cold draft. Susan's spine shivered and her teeth chattered against one another. "You could also close the doors?" She politely suggests. Caspian's frown turned into an excited smile. Like a rabbit on a spring morning, he jumped out of bed and walked towards the grand balcony doors. Gracefully, he closed them feeling fully satisfied. With a beat in his step, he walks back to the edge of the bed where he had been perched. She laughed at the joyous expression plastered on his face, before coughing. "Do you need some water?" Caspian panicked and went to grab the glass on the side. Accidentally, it falls onto the floor and smashes instantly, all the liquid spills onto the solid oak floor. He cursed under his breath. Susan couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity. "Oh, I do love you." She said with a smile on her face and a frog in her throat. Carefully, Caspian picked up the glass.
"We hire people to do that for us," she states.
"What if before they get here you want to get up, and forget, and go and stand on the glass." He exclaimed looking extremely worried.
"You're panicking too much." She says holding her hand out for him to grab. He takes it and sits back in his moulded seat.
"It's just because I love you so much. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you. Especially if I could have prevented it." Her heart filled with admiration and his with guilt. Slowly, She leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly. "I wouldn't know what to do with my self either if it was the other way round. Who else would I annoy daily." Caspian grinned before standing up and walking towards to bathroom. Susan watched him walk away before leaning back and "A-Choo". Suddenly, Caspian pokes his head around the door frame and it's like a recurring cycle. "Is there anything I can do?"
"I'm fine Casp." She shook her head and bit her lip. She loved the man she Married. He clearly loved her. However, something was missing; and Susan knew what.

A Child. Their Child.

This Chapter was written by Itz_Emmz_
Full credit goes to her. If you would like to write a Chapter please message me!

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