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The novelty was wearing off. At first, every time he made love to his wife, Shawn imagined them making a baby together, but after months of trying and nothing, he was starting to wonder if they'd ever get there. The excitement of it had died down, and his life had fallen into an easy rhythm. Shawn had managed to get a job with a small photography studio. It was mostly taking family portraits, sometimes including dogs, but it was a job and it was local.

Informing Maya they were moving had been the highlight of Shawn's week.

"Maya we're moving," Shawn had called down the hall.

"NO," Maya yelled back.

"Oh, but you are gonna love where too!" Shawn replied. His daughter then walked down the hall to glare at him, demanding details, but Shawn kept his mouth shut.

It wasn't until they actually arrived with the first haul of their things that Maya found out where they were moving. The joy on her face when she realized she'd be living just a few meters from her best friend, was really something to see.

After that, Shawn and his family threw themselves into setting up their new home. Maya loved her new leak-free bedroom, and Katy couldn't stop going on about the amazing kitchen. Shawn was reluctant to turn the third bedroom into a photo studio, so it remained empty as the rest of the apartment took shape.

"Now that we have such a lovely home," Shawn began. "Don't you think we should have your parents over?"

They were sitting at the breakfast table, Maya having long ago darted nextdoor to have breakfast with the Matthews. The new apartment had been all set up and put together for at least a month now, and Shawn had passed his probationary period at work.

"You don't want that," Katy said dismissively.

"Oh, yes I do," Shawn smiled. "You didn't even mention inviting them to the wedding. Besides, it's only fair. After all you've met Jon."

"And you've met Gammy," Katy grinned. "See even."

"Gammy is your mother-in-law," Shawn reminded her. "Ex-mother in law actually, since you remarried and all."

Rather than replying, Katy started collecting dishes and stacking them by the sink.

"You told me once your mother's name was Angela," Shawn reminded her.

"My parents aren't exactly together anymore," Katy admitted. She was facing the sink, and the water was running. With a sigh, Shawn stood up and walked toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"If you don't want me to meet them," Shawn whispered. "That's your call. Just answer me this. Why?" He paused for a second before adding. "Are you embarrassed to introduce me?"

"Oh no," Katy gasped turning around in his arms, her hands instantly at his cheek. "It's not that."

"What then?" Shawn asked calmly.

"Well it's sorta that," she admitted. "Just the other way around. They embarrass me."

A soft smile on his lips, Shawn leaned down to kiss her gently. "Don't worry about that." When he pulled away she was smiling too.

"Alright then," Katy whispered. "I'll invite them for dinner."

It was almost a fortnight later when Angela and Paul Hart graced Katy and Shawn with their presence. Though Katy hadn't exactly been exaggerating when she's said they aren't together anymore as the two of them wouldn't visit at the same time.

"It's just them being ridiculous," Katy ranted as they prepared for Paul's visit that afternoon. "I mean really, they can't spend an hour in each other's company for my sake. It's so childish."

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