Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

 - Niall's POV -

Day 13:

I stood there in the hallway gobsmacked. Liam had come out of Louis’ room followed by Louis, who was joined to him by their interlocking hands. Louis had been crying and Liam had his tears stained into his chest and Louis was clutching onto Liam so damn tightly and shit I'm such a third wheel right now.

I felt my heart just kind of freeze over. I took a step back to stop myself from exploding right there in front of them. I stared back at Liam; my eyes pleading for an explanation. I mean yeah we all acted intimate around each other and I'm sure this was just like any of those other times but now that I actually liked Liam it was different and Louis had been glaring at me all week and I'm just standing here awkwardly because it's like I'm interrupting them and it just kind of feels like a kick to the stomach.

Liam walked straight past me.

“Excuse us.” He said coldly; not even bothering to look me in the eye.I felt cracks start to form in that frozen heart of mine.

Liam and Louis walked past me; still hand in hand, and I just stood there like an idiot. Once they'd passed I felt something on my cheek and when I slowly raised my hand to see what it was I felt even stupider that they'd managed to jerk a tear out of me. I took a deep breath but it just made me sound even more unstable. I heard the door to Liam’s room shut and my heart shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.

I switched to autopilot from there. I dragged myself into my room and grabbed my phone off of my dresser and texted Amy. I needed help. I needed something to hold me back because right now every bone in my body wants to bust down Liam’s door and pry him from Louis’ hand and drag him somewhere where he can be alone with me.

          To Amy:
          “I need you. Now.”

I got a reply almost instantly.

          From Amy:
          “Meet me out front in 10.”

I walked to my door, checked that the coast was clear, and sprinted downstairs and out the front door as fast as I could. I stood outside on the street; leaning against the fence, staring at the pavement as I waited for Amy. I guess I zoned out because I was suddenly looking right into her eyes as she bent down and looked up at me. Her eyes widened when she saw mine. They must have been bright red.

“...what happened?” She asked softly; worry and anxiety growing in her face.

“Excuse us.”

Liam’s cold words echoed through my head and I broke. I took a step towards Amy and stroked her cheek with the back of my hand, then wrapped an arm around her waist and leant in and touched my lips to hers. I needed to feel wanted, and Amy was the one person that I knew could give me that right now. She closed her eyes and kissed me back. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherry lip gloss. She didn’t feel bad, but it didn’t feel right.

She’s not Liam.

I pulled away and gave her a weary smile.

“Sorry...” I mumbled as I took her hand. She smiled back at me; her eyes warm and loving.

That’s it. That’s all I need: someone to look at me that way.

I sighed and led Amy through the front gate and into the house. We sat on the bar stools in kitchen and talked for what felt like forever. It felt good to have someone there for me and not ask any questions. Liam and Louis eventually came downstairs and froze when they saw us in the kitchen. Liam smiled that same sadistic smile of his and winked at the two of us before disappearing back upstairs. I winced.

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now