Chapter 41

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Chapter 41:

-          Niall’s POV –

Day 56:

I’m currently laying on my bed; staring up at the ceiling. It was almost dinner time, and as usual, I couldn’t get Liam out of my head. This past week had been chaotic to say the least. Liam still hadn’t touched me, until yesterday he hadn’t even left his bedroom, he still wouldn’t tell me what had left him an utter mess the other day, and above all; he was now avoiding me at all costs.

I have no idea what I’ve done wrong.

I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I slid the screen open and started scrolling through my images until I found the one that I’d been searching for.

That picture of Liam and I on the balcony from some weeks back.

I stared at it for what felt like hours as my eyes examined every pixel. I was captivated by it. Well, not the side of the picture with me in it, but the side that had Liam. I stared and stared; unable to pull away from his perfection. I loved everything about him. I loved his soft brown hair, his hazelnut eyes that sent sparks shooting through me whenever they met mine, and his soft yet rough lips that I always craved more of. I loved the way that his eyes would scrunch up when he smiled, how when he was confused he’d get all pouty and he’d furrow his eyebrows into an adorable expression, how the feeling of his huge strong arms around me made me feel so secure; yet so nervous at the same time, how he’d always make me his priority; no matter what the cost.

I winced.

Well, he used to.

I sat up; still staring at the picture on my phone. I heard Harry call out from downstairs that dinner was ready and I got up off of my bed. I was about to lock my phone when I had a sudden impulse. I set the picture as my phone wallpaper and smiled to myself before locking the screen and walking downstairs to meet the others.

I came downstairs to see that everyone else was already seated around the breakfast bar. Harry had made spaghetti bolognaise and it smelled amazing. I sat down in my seat next to Liam but didn’t bother to say hello. He wouldn’t have responded anyway. Harry served everyone a plate and we all dug straight in. We ate in silence and I’m not going to lie, it was awkward.

Normally Liam would start a conversation with me and Louis would soon butt in with something random. Then Harry and Zayn would start talking to each other as Liam and Louis started arguing about something and I’d be sitting there laughing at the two of them. However, this time Liam didn’t say anything, so Harry attempted to start up a conversation with Zayn:

“So, anyone special in your life that we don’t know about? I’m pretty sure that you’re the only one here without a crush.” Harry asked casually. I almost choked on my spaghetti and shot Harry a shocked look. He saw it and smirked back at me for a moment before turning his attention back to Zayn.

“Umm... no?” Zayn answered; confused as to why Harry had asked him this random question out of nowhere. Louis laughed.

“Come on now Harry, you’re scaring the little guy!” He chimed in. Liam let out a small laugh next to me and I tensed. I hadn’t heard him laugh in what felt like weeks. I turned my attention back to Harry though; determined to find out what he’d meant by his previous comment.

Does he know..?

“Sorry, sorry! I was just curious is all...” Harry defended then trailed off; his gaze shifting to me again. I started to feel nervous.

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