Chapter 43

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Chapter 43:

-          Niall’s POV –

Day 59:

I rolled over onto Liam’s side of the bed and opened my eyes when I realised his side was empty. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I scanned the room for him. He wasn’t there. I climbed out of bed and picked my shirt up off of the floor before walking out the door. I quickly ran into my room and changed into a fresh set of clothes before walking downstairs; expecting to find Liam at the breakfast bar. He wasn’t.

Also, I was taken aback when I saw that Harry was the only one sitting there; munching on a bowl of cereal. He smirked up at me the second that I walked in and I found myself giving up.

“I know that you know, so stop it already.” I said bluntly; stumbling over to the cupboard and getting a bowl for myself. I heard Harry chuckle.

“Aww, you’re no fun.” He mused. I sat down and poured myself a bowl before reaching for the milk.

“Liam went to the amusement park with Sarah, by the way.” He smirked. My eyes widened and I almost crushed the milk carton. I took a deep breath and composed myself before pouring the milk into my bowl. I took in a mouthful of cereal and glanced back up at Harry.

“Why are you rubbing this in my face?” I groaned. Harry grinned back at me.

“I’m just enjoying the situation... the two of you are god damn adorable after all.” He smirked. I blushed.

This is weird.

“Well you can stop grinning because we’re not together.” I stated; shovelling another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.


“Actually, I was admiring your self-control. If Louis went to an amusement park with his ex, I’d be freaking out.” Harry went on absentmindedly.

I dropped my spoon and it made a loud clanging sound as it hit the counter. I stared back at Harry in shock; eyes wide, mouth open.

“Sarah is Liam’s ex..?” I managed to choke out. Harry froze mid-bite and his eyes grew wide.

“Yeah... didn’t you know that..?” He asked cautiously. I stood up and clenched my fists:

“No. I didn’t.” I gritted through my teeth. Harry started to say something but I wasn’t listening. I was already mid-turn and running for the front door.

My feet slammed down onto the pavement and I sprinted as fast as I could towards the train station. It was peak hour, there was no way I’d get there fast enough by car. Within minutes I’d reached the station was starting to shove my way through the crowd. People were yelling at me as I pushed past them but I didn’t care.

I didn’t care about anything anymore.

I ran down the stairs into the subway only to hear the loud speakers announcing that the train I wanted was departing in less than two minutes. I sprinted towards the turnstiles and leapt over them as I ran towards the platform ahead. There was no time to scan my ticket. I heard someone yell out to me to stop but I kept running. I managed to burst through the train doors the moment that they started closing. Once I was inside I collapsed against the doors and tried to catch my breath, before looking up to see that everyone was staring at me. I finally caught my breath and found a seat at the back of the carriage. I started searching my pockets for my phone but soon realised that I’d left it on my bedside table.

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