Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

 - Niall's POV -

Liam's shoulders hunched as he hung his head in his hands. His body started shaking. For a second I thought he was crying until I heard his voice.

That voice.

I’d only heard it twice before but it sent chills down my spine. He was back. The Liam that had no consideration for others or an ounce of love in his body. Well... neither of those things for me at least.

Liam’s laughter filled the room as he slowly raised his head; still with his hands covering his face. He tilted his head back and slowly slid one hand down to the back of his neck. He glared at Amy and I through his fingers; that same sadistic smile growing in the corner of his mouth once more. He ran his hand through his hair and slowly cracked his neck. He took a step towards us; sliding his hands into his pockets. He smirked back at Amy with his head still tilted slightly back. He was looking down on her.

“Is that so?” He mused. His voice was now low and full of a cold enjoyment that normal Liam would never be feeling. No one else in the group had heard it, and they froze at the sound of it. No one had witnessed Liam take even the slightest pleasure in toying with others. They were about to get a huge shock.

“Yeah! That’s right!” Amy snapped back. I took a step away from her and towards Liam. I didn’t know what he was going to do but I was gonna be ready to stop it. Liam took another step forward. He ran his hand through his hair again, this time he left his hand at the back of his head.

If he wasn't acting so menacing I'd have been blushing because god damn he looked like a model whenever he did that.

“Naive little girl.” He said. His smile had dropped. Amy swallowed and took a step back. I tensed. “You think that makes you... special?” He asked. He took another step towards me. Then made me the centre of his attention by staring me down and reaching out; wrapping an arm around my waist and pinning my body up against his. My eyes went wide.

He tightened his grip and his other hand reached up and grazed the side of my cheek.

Can he stop screwing around already? I can't take much more of thi-

His hand grabbed my chin and tilted my head towards him, and just like that he closed his eyes and smashed his lips onto mine.

Liam didn't even care if I kissed back. He just decided to lick my lips apart on his own and force his way into my mouth. I closed my eyes when our tongues met and when he started to roll his against mine I kissed back. Before I got to enjoy any of it though he pulled back; biting my lip for a second as he pulled away, and met my eyes with his. He stared back at me for a moment before turning to face a now completely stunned Amy. Her mouth was wide open, as was everyone else’s in the room. I didn't really care though because Liam's arm was already slipping from around my waist and I had to stand on my own two feet again without his help. Liam took a step towards Amy and I almost reached out for him. I could see that same sadistic smile re-appearing on his face.

“Now I’ve kissed him too.” He mused; running his thumb over his bottom lip. “By your logic, that makes him... mine?” He asked, raising his finger to the corner of his mouth like an innocent school girl. But there was nothing innocent about it. It made him look even more sinister. Amy said nothing.

“Now, it’s time for you to leave.” He said. His smile had dropped again. He hunched his shoulders and took a step towards her. Amy slowly took a step backwards towards the door before turning around and bolting out of the room, grabbing her jacket as she left.

Is Your Heart Taken? - A Niam/Larry fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now