Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

-          Liam’s POV –

Day 45:

I’m speechless right now, like, actually speechless.

I don’t even understand how what just happened, happened. Things were finally becoming normal between the two of us and what did I have to do? I had to go and fall on top of him and accidentally kiss him. My mouth was open and everything. I seriously do not understand why my life is always so fucking hectic. Who even lands on top of someone and manages to accidentally kiss them anyway? This isn’t like some stupid teenage love story or something where this stuff is actually written in for a higher purpose, this is real life.

My life.

The one that I’ve once again managed to throw into total chaos.

I stared back at Niall; mouth covered, eyes bulging. He slowly brought a hand up to his face and touched his fingers to his lips.

Shit. He noticed.

Of course he fucking noticed. What did you expect? That he would somehow not realise that his best friends’ lips had just locked with his in the darkness?

Well, I’m sorry for clinging to the last ounce of hope that I had left. Now are you going to help me out here or not?

Oh no, you dug yourself into this one. I’m just going to sit back and watch the show.’re a dick, you know that?

Shut up and say something, he’s gaping back at you.

I realised that Dark Liam was right and I started searching for the words to explain. I chose to use my feelings of disbelief to play off what had just happened, since I was useless at acting to begin with.

I closed my mouth and pulled my hand from my face before running it through my hair. I shook my head in disbelief and turned my shocked expression into a confused one; praying that my horrible performance was believable:

“Well I didn’t see that coming.” I said bluntly. Niall just stared back at me. I wasn’t sure if it was shock, confusion, or whatever else he could possibly be feeling right now that was plastered on his face, but it made me even more nervous.

Stay calm.

Do. Not. Freak. Out.

Act casual. You cannot afford to let him see how much of a big deal this is to you.

“You alright? I didn’t bite you or anything, did I?” I asked.

Shit Liam, how the hell is that casual?!

Niall still stared back at me; his expression unchanging.

Don’t falter. Keep faking.

“Come on, say something, you’re making me feel awkward.” I teased; a small smile growing in the corner of my mouth.

Yeah, like that’s going to help.

Shut up and watch.

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