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I walk into the Hulk's room as he leaves with Valkyrie. Thor stands inside, still bruised from yesterday's battle.

"Does everything hurt?" I ask him.

"Yes, of course." He says. He seems bitter towards me. I walk behind him and place my hands on his shoulders. Gold magic swirls around him, healing his wounds.

"Are you feeling a resentment towards me?" I ask. He doesn't answer. "I'm sorry that I didn't help you out of the chair. But Loki and I, we have a good spot with the Grandmaster. Helping you would have blown that, and we would have lost our only chance off this planet." He nods.

"I understand. I'm sorry. I just, I want to get back home. To stop our wretched sister." He tells me.

"I want to go back as much as you do. I fear she's done something to Fandral, I felt it when I first got here. It felt like a sword went through my stomach, Thor. I fear he's- that he's-" I start but Thor shakes his head.

"You don't have to continue. But I don't believe there is any reason to worry. Fandral is a strong warrior. I do not doubt that he's putting up a good fight." Thor tells me. I let out a breath and nod. I take my hands away to reveal his healed wounds. "We have to speak with Heimdall." Together, we walk to the window and look towards the wormhole.

"Heimdall, I know you can see us." I say.

"We need you to help us. Help us see." Thor says. A moment passes, our eyes glow as golden as Heimdall's. We're back on Asgard, standing in front of Heimdall and some refugees. Heimdall shushes us and gestures for us to hide against the wall. A group of Hela's guard pass, they don't spot us.

"I see both of you, but you're both far away." Heimdall whispers to us.

"What's going on here?" I ask him.

"Come see for yourself." He says. We follow Heimdall around the corner to see Asgard emitting a smoky aura of chaos. We rush into an alcove with Heimdall and the refugees just in time to avoid being spotted by more guards. "I'm providing refuge in a
stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls, our only escape is the Bifrost."

"You're talking about evacuating Asgard?" Thor asks.

"We won't last long if we stay." Heimdall says. I look out over the ravaged realm. "She draws her power from Asgard and grows stronger everyday. Come on." We all rush down a safe pathway. "Hela is ravenous. If I let her leave, she'll consume the Nine
Realms and all the cosmos. We need you. Both of you."

"We're working on it." I say. Heimdall looks over at Thor.

"You're strong enough to fight her and hold her off." Heimdall says, then he looks at me. "But you, you're the opposite of all that she is. You are the only thing that can stop her." Two guards spot Heimdall. He quickly looks back at us. "You're on a planet surrounded by doorways. Go through one."

"Which one?" Thor asks. Heimdall cuts through one of the guards.

"The big one!"

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