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Okay so for the next 2 chapters you'll be able to know her child hood and her REAL name!!

And by real name I mean the name given to her by Luce since her old name keeps reminding her of her parents which is now the current name

You'll find out soon on why she still kept the name and why not the new name in her other half of her story or luces

And yes the last 2 chapter was just half , the other half is where her parents will be back so please if you are pissed at her parents then get a shot gun or any weapon you like and kill her parents AFTER you see THEIR part of their story

But I may not make their story since I'm still thinking about it

Like maybe heh had their reasons etc like maybe being forced to do it or what not

Not yet sure...

So anyway i just really want to warn you for the next 2 chapters... so please be advised that if your pissed be pissed at the character not at me... cuz the character is the character that literally characterizes their character


I'm the just the one making them alive -.- well I mean I did create them but I'm just mostly typing on what they would do judging from their character...

So please don't kill me and I warn you all again for the following 2 chapters

Btw he next 2 chapters will be published after 2 days >:3 CLIFFHANGER SUCKS RIGHT!? Fufufuf

Also the exams are finished!!!🙌😍🎉🎉🎉
I'm soooo happy!!!but I still have to go to school to do our clearance so I can move a grade...

I still have to go to school even though it officially finished ;-; but donut worry my dear readers! The only project I yet to finish are 2 for the same subject which by the way will only be needed to be checked and my clearance will be good!!


Also I want to tell you all again that I am indeed reading all your comments and I thank you all for all the support your giving me!!! And I know that the character is a op but I'll try to balance it in the future!

So it can be more realistic hah....

Okie baiiuuu :3

Reincarnated as a fox?! (THIS IS CANCELLED BUT IM MAKING A NEW ONE)Where stories live. Discover now