Imagine|Death Note| Light Yagami x Reader

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Word Count: 520

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Word Count: 520

Y/N: Your Name
L/N: Last Name

"Lee I really don't care who Kira is. I mean Kira's seems like he has the same intentions as I do. Making the world a better place. No crimes. Just peace and happiness." I said smiling while looking at Lee my Shinigami.

"I understand Y/N just be careful." I giggled and turned a comer but ended up bumping into someone and landing on the ground. We both fell to the ground so to the impact from each other. I looked at the ground to see a death note? Wait no it can't be. Lee did say other death notes can land on earth. That's definitely not mine. Mines at my house. I looked up to see a very handsome boy around my age with brown hair. Is he Kira? No way! It can't be! I need to tell him that I know and want to help, but how?

"I'm sorry about that I wasn't paying attention." The boy said smiling and holding his hand out for me.

"Oh it's fine I wasn't paying attention either." I said taking his hand and smiling back at him. Well it's now or never.

"Umm Hey Uhh. I don't know how to say this but umm." Dammit just spit it out already. He heard Lee laugh and I turned and glared at him. The boy looked at me with a very concerned look.

"Are you alright?" The boy said. I looked down and sighed.

"I'm fine it's just your note book. I have one too. It's at my house though. I'm afraid it will get in the wrong hands of someone who will take advantage of its power." I looked at the boy and he knew exactly what I meant.

"I understand. Do you mind if you come with me to my house so we could talk about it?" I nodded and followed him to his house.

~Time Skip~

I walked into his house and up the stairs to his room. I sat on his bed and looked around. It's very clean for a teenagers room.

"So I guess you've already figured out that I'm Kira  my really name though is Light Yagami."

"Nice to meet you Light I'm Y/n L/N." He smiles at me and I started to blush.  I looked away hoping he didn't notice. The night went on and spent hours talking about the death note and different ways to defeat L.

"Light it's getting late! Your girlfriend should be leaving now!" I heard to what I'm assuming is Lights mom said. I started gathering my things and walking outside with Light.

"Thanks Light for everyth-" I was interrupted by a pair of warm soft lips on mine. I soon realized they were Lights and started kissing back. A couple seconds later we pulled away.

"Y/N not only do I want you to be my partner I also want you to be my girlfriend. So will you?" I nodded furiously and started kissing him again. Maybe I should of cared who Kira was along time ago.

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