Imagine|Black Butler| Ciel Phantomhive x Reader

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Word Count: 1114

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Word Count: 1114

Y/N: Your Name
L/N: Last Name
E/C: Eye Color
H/L: Hair Length
H/C: Hair Color

I was currently in town buying my father a couple of supplies he needed for his shop. I was off In my own world not paying attention when I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm terrible sorry I wasn't watching were I was going!" I said as I grabbed everything I dropped.

"As pure usually Y/N." I looked up to Ciel smiling at me. You see whenever I'm out so get something's for my mother I always bump into him. Most of the time it's in accident but I do bump into him on purpose sometimes. I just want an excuse to talk to him. Honestly I do really like Ciel even though I have only know him for a couple months now. He just makes me feel happy and makes me feel warm inside with that smile he gives me.

"Thank you again for helping me get my things, but I really should get going now." I smiled at them and started walking off.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." I turned around confused at what Ciel said. I was about to ask home why but he had already started walking away with his butler Sebastian. As usual Ciel and Sebastian helped me getting my things then carried on with their lives. I was disappointed, happy and confused all at the same time. What did he mean by see you tomorrow? Ciel only comes into town on rare occasions. Even when he is in town he never has time since he's the queens guard dog.

I walked down the dirt path to my house. As I walked I thought about Ciel and what he meant. Somehow along the way of thinking about Ciel I landed on the thought of marrying him. I paused in my tracks and thought for a second about it. I then shook my head and laughed. Ciel is a handsome, hard working, rich person we're I'm not all that good looking, very lazy, and not so rich.

I walked into my home to see my mother at the table holding a piece of paper.

"I'm back mom! Oh and dad I got the supplies you needed for the shop!" I looked at my mother and saw excitement all over her face. She looked at me and smiled.

"Y/N when were you going to tell me you were good friends with the Ciel Phantomhive!" I nervously laughed. I never told my parents about the encounters I've been having with Ciel. I knew if I told them my mother would freak out like she is now and would want to meet him. My father on the other hand would want to meet him to talk about business and working together. My father came into the room confused. My mother gave him the piece of paper.

"Umm can you guys please explain what happening? I'm a little confused right now," my mother went up to me and smiled.

"Mr. Ciel Phantomhive's butler came by a little bit ago and gave us a letter! He told me to wait till you came home but I couldn't. I opened it and it says Ciel Phantomhive wants to talk about marking you his wife!" I stood there in shock. Is this really happening? Does he really want me to be his wife? What if all of this is just business related? What if he's just doing to make more money with my father shop?

"We'll be heading over to the manor tomorrow morning to talk everything through!" My father said. I watched as my mother and father jumped around house laughing and singing there excitement out. I walked into my room to think about everything and what happening. Is this really happening? I know I thought about this a little bit ago but I didn't think it would actually happen! I decided to go to bed and deal with everything in the morning.

~Time Skip~

After about 30 minutes in the carriage Ciel he for is we arrived at the manor. The door of the carriage opened and reveled a smiling Sebastian. I jumped out of the carriage and stretched my legs.

"Well hello the Lady Y\N Ciel is quite happy to see you today." He said smiling. I smiled back at him and followed him inside. When Sebastian opened the doors they reveled a very excited and happy Ciel. He walked up to me and held out his hand for mine. I put my hand in his and he pulled it towards his mouth and kissed it. I was blushing profusely at this point. 

"It's quite delightful to see you here Y/N." Ciel said smiling at me. Ciel introduced himself to my very happy and over dramatic parents.

"Excuse me Mr and Mrs. L/N my master has requested to spend some alone time with your daughter and I will handle telling you the details and request from my master Ciel." Sebastian said while leading them upstairs to I'm assuming the study. I turned and look and Ciel to see his hand is out for me to take it once again.

"If you don't mind Y/N I would like to show you the garden." He said while grabbing my hand and leading me outside. We walked around and talked for about an hour or so until we stopped underneath a tree by a pound.

"Ciel do you mind if I asked you a question?" Ciel turned and nodded at me while smiling.

"Is the only reason why you want to marry me is because of my dads business? Is is going to help yours if you do?" I asked with my head down scared of what his answer was going to be. I felt him move till he was sitting right next to me. He moved my face so I was looking at him.

"The reason why I wanted to marry you was because you're beautiful. Whenever I went into town I hoped I would run into you and see your beautiful sparkling E/C eyes and your H/L beautiful H/C hair. I'm going to admit I did purposely bump into to just to here your voice. I don't want to marry you because of your fathers business. I want to marry you because of you and who you are as a person." I looked at him in shock from what he said. But what surprised me more was when he leaned in and kissed me.

"So, Y/N L/N will you marry me?"

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