Imagine|91 Days| Angelo Lagusa x Reader

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Word Count: 802

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Word Count: 802

Y/N: Your Name
L/N: Last Name

7 years ago. That's when my life changed. My parents were murdered by a group of men. A couple of months ago I received a letter from someone giving me the names of those men. The Vanetti family. That's why I'm here in Lawless to find those men and kill them. Make them know how much pain they put me through.

I was walking down the streets on my way to my apartment from the drugs store. I was minding my own business when I heard gunshots not far away. Great now I have to go check it out. I pulled out my gun and started walking over to the gunshots. I was about to turn a corner when someone turned it and ran straight towards me. The person grabbed me and pulled me into a dark alley way.

"Umm excuse me sir but I'm in the mid-" I was cut off by the man putting a finger on my lips and telling me to stay quite. I sighed and complied to the mans orders. We stayed there for a while. During that time I studied the mans face and notice how handsome he was. We finally heard the gunshots stop after a good five minutes. The man pulled away and looked at me.

"I just saved your life so the nice thing for you to do is give me a place to stay for the night." I looked at the man confused. I didn't ask him to save me nor did I want him to.

"Listen, I didn't need you to save me and I certainly did not want it. So therefore I'm not giving you a place to stay for the night." I pushed him off of me and started walking away. What a fool. He didn't even realize I stole his wallet. I smirked and continued walking.

"My wallet." The man said. I stopped in my tracks and turned and looked at him.

"Sorry what was that sir?" I started walking closer to him.

"My wallet. You took it. The same way I stole yours." He said showing my wallet in his hands. I sighed at the man in frustration.

"You want a place to stay? Then follow me." The man smirked. We traded our wallets back and started heading to my apartment. Why did I even say yes? And how did he even take my wallet without me knowing? About ten minutes later we arrived at my house. I opened the door to my empty apartment. Only a bed, small table and chair. I walked in and sat on my bed.

"Avilio. Avilio Bruno." I turned and looked at the man in confusion. "That's my name." He said while lighting a cigarette. I knew it was fake, but why would he give me a fake name.

"Margot. Margot Sanders." If he's giving me a fake name I will too.

"That's not your name. What's your real one." He said while blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"I'll tell you mine once you tell me yours." He sighed and looked at me.

"Angelo Lagusa." I smiled at the name thinking it was cute.

"Y/N L/N that's my name." He looked me up and down like he was trying to find something.

"Why'd you give a fake name?" He said while putting his cigarette out and walking over to me. I sighed. If I tell him a lie he'll just figure it out.

"I don't want to get caught." Angelo looked at me confused. "About 7 years ago a group of men killed my parents. A couple months ago I got a letter telling me the names of those men. Well now I'm here to kill them. To make them pay for what they did to my family. To make them feel the pain I did and that I live with now." I gripped my dress as my eyes started to tear up. I felt Angelo sit by me and put an arm over my shoulder.

"I understand. The same thing happened to me. And if I'm right it might be the same men that killed my parents and little brother. If you want we can work together to make them feel the pain we did and still do now." I smiled at the fact that I wasn't alone. I turned and saw Angelo staring at me smiling. I smiled back at him. After that he slowly started to lean in until our lips crashed together. We were kissing for good minute or so before we both pulled away for air panting. Angelo grabbed my cheeks and looked into my eyes.

"I'm never going to leave your side Y/N. Never"

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