Imagine|Free!| Haruka Nanase X Reader(Rewritten)

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Word Count: 749

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Word Count: 749

Y/n: Your name

"Y/n! I'm home and I have company!" I groaned as I heard my younger brother Rei yell from downstairs. I'm usually okay with Rei having people over, but it's different this time. When he is having people over he usually just tells me the morning of and that's it nothing more and nothing less. Today he did just that except the nothing more and nothing less part. That's when he told me he wanted me to stay upstairs and to not come down until his friends had left. The idea of me staying isolated to the upstairs didn't bother me at all. I was fine with it all until his friends arrived and my stomach started growling. I tried to take my mind away from my growling stomach, but it didn't work out to well.

"Rei I'm sorry, but I haven't eaten in almost two hours I need food." I whispered to myself as I tip toed out of my room and down the stairs. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I turned to my right to see Rei talking to two other very attractive boys in the living room. One was tall with brown hair and the other was short witch blonde hair. "Well I guess Rei wanted me to stay upstairs because he knew I'd be all over his friends." I whispered to myself once again as I finally made it to the kitchen. 

I did a little victory dance as I made my way over to the pantry to find something to eat. I looked around to see some chips, crackers, and then a can of mackerel. I picked up the can as I gave it a both confused and disgusted look. 

"Who the hell likes mackerel?" I heard someone speak and I jumped which caused me to drop the can onto the floor. I turned around to see a very good looking guy about my age staring at me. He looked familiar, but I just brushed it off assuming I was imagining it. "I-I'm sorry?" I stuttered.

"The mackerel. I like it." He stood there staring at me with nothing but a blank expression. I nodded in agreement a little weirded out by his stare and hoping he would turn around and walk away, but unfortunately he did the complete opposite. He walked until he was face to face with me he was close to me, but not uncomfortably close. "Don't forget to pick up the mackerel on the floor Y/n." I didn't realize what he had said until he had walked away. How did he know my name? I mean Rei could have talked about me, but I highly doubt that. I shrugged it off and picked up the mackerel off of the floor and put it away. 

I was just about to leave the kitchen when I heard a very angry Rei yell my name from the living room. I froze hoping he didn't know I was in the kitchen, but I was once again greeted with the opposite. Rei came stomping into the kitchen looking like he was about ready to kill me. I ran away from him yelling that I was sorry and that I just wanted some food. I ran into the living room and ran into something. Without really caring what exactly it was I hide behind it. 

"Y/n I can see you standing there hiding behind Haru." I stood up and looked around the thing I was hiding to look at Rei.

"And what might this Haru be?" I said questioning him honestly not knowing what he was talking about.

"Me. I'm Haru." I turned to see the thing I was hiding behind was the guy from earlier. I squealed as I jumped back not really knowing the guy. " It's me Haru. I'm in the same class as you." I stood there in shock only just now realizing that he was indeed in my class. 

"Listen I'm glad you guys are making friends, but Haru do you mind moving out of the way please?" Rei said. Haru slowly started to nod before speaking.

"Only if I can take Y/n out on a date." I stared at Haru in shock while blushing like a maniac. "Are you okay with that Y/n?" I slowly nodded my head while still looking insane.

"Awe how sweet. Now move." Rei said wanting to kill me more than ever.

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