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Harry's POV
I can't believe this Y/N is pregnant oh my God I have to tell Niall. I call Niall to tell him the good news "what do you mean you already knew" I shouted through the phone and Y/N told him before me. "Look man she thought you where mad at her so she didn't tell you she was going to handle it the way she thought was the best way" he explained Niall was my best mate. "What do you mean handle it the best way?" I asked. "She thought when she told you , you wouldn't want to stay with her anymore and she didn't want that so she told me she wanted to get an abortion."he said . I hung up the phone and ran di n the stairs and asked Y/N what was going on. "Y/N!! Babe where are you , what's going on with the baby!!". I yelled looking for her. "Got damn Harry are you okay I was sleeping it's part of my prgancy I can't believe we're having a baby together this is very amazing."she said excited. ," You didn't get rid of it?"I askd. She looked at the ground and asked me if Niall told me and of course I said yeah I wasn't going to lie to her. She explained everything to me and I was very happy I'm going to be a dad." Looks like Harry Jr. Is going to be very happy." I said laughing "how do you know it's not a girl Harry Jr. " She laughed and I kissed her. "What was that for?" She asked looking Worried. "Being the best greatest person I know who doesn't want me because of my fame but because of who I am , I love you Y/N and I will love this baby even more."

4 mounths later

I'm going to kill Niall it was going to be a secret I'm happy that Harry wants me to keep the baby but I don't want him to waste his career fo me but I'm doing the same thing. My doctor's appointment was today at 7 oh shit I'm late. "Harry !! Let's go we're going to be late!!." He rushed down stairs with no shirt on as I handed him his shit we left to go to the doctors. This is when we find out the gender of the baby. "Ms.Y/L/N and Mr.Styles , congaulations your having twins one of each gender." She said handing us a picture of the babies in black and white. From the corner of my eye I start to see Harry cry.
"You okay ?, Honey" I ask in a sweet but suttle voice.
"I'm fine I just can believe we're have kids together, I love you Y/N". He said
"I love you too Harry " I responded

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