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Kids are now 7 years old , you had the baby(9 mounths) it was a girl her name Reneea Rina for short you and Harry are back together.

Your PoV

Harry can you come here please I called holding Rina in my arms rocking her to sleep

"yes baby" He say laying next to us

" What time are the kids getting back from Charity's" I ask

"Charity said she'll have them back at around 9 but if not early tomorrow morning." he said with a smile on his face " Y/N"

"Yes Harry" I asked kissing Rina on the forehead

"When is our wedding" he asked

" When you get cleared by Dr.Floyd to travel again , if you don't take you meds than we cant get married sorry pal that was our deal" I say kissing him

"Mommy , Rina , Dadddddd" I hear the kids say

" Its only 8:30 your sister is early" Harry says

"Hey guys it's Charity and Amole , we're dropping the kids off" she says. As I start to make it down the stairs I see them at the door with open arms. "How was the case Char" I asked

"It was everything , you know Y/N you should start going to college again you never know , maybe even get a real job" she say

"Come with me" I say leading her outside closing the door behind me " Listen I know you want the best for me and my family but guess what your gonna have to let me make my own dissensions I'm 28 years old not everything can be all sunshine and rainbow like it used to be." I say

"I know but-"

"No buts fancy pants come on lets go inside and remember what I said please"

" What were you two gals talking about out there" Harry asked

"would you look at the time Amole we have to go get Emma and Clare from the airport in the morning so lets go" Charity said in a rush

"Well are you gonna tell me" Harry asked pouring you a glass of wine

"Yeah , Your phone is ringing" I say with a frown " who is calling you this late Harry ?" I asked

" Probably my producer or something I'll go see" he says nervously

Harry's Pov

"Hey Harry "Kendall said

"Listen you can't call me anymore okay I'm happy now and what we where doing wasn't right it was fun while it lasted but we cant do it okay?"i said

"Oh Harry you silly , silly boy you don't think I'm really going to fall for that do you , your wife Y/N , with her going back to school I don't think she'll mind do you ? " she said in a snobby voice

" Kendall I'm with Y/N now not you please" I pleaded

"Okay Harry fine but you know where to find me if anything" She said hanging up the phone

As I walked down stair I see Y/N looking at her phone crying ,"what's wrong" I asked she looked at me with anger "I don't know why don't you explain why this is a picture of you and Kendall all over the internet" she yelled

"Listen I know your mad" I started to say before she cut me off

"What Harry are you not happy here do you not love me anymore"she asked. Well if we're being honest here no , you keep me trapped in this house with kids I don't even want and treat me like I'm a child. I look into her eyes and she begins to go upstairs

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES" she say running after me "HARRY" she starts crying " You will never come back if you open that door , if you leave I never want to see you again , do you understand" she says starting to cry

"Fine than you live and i'll keep the kids" I say looking at her very spitfully

"Nooo mommy don't leave" the kids say bring tears to her eyes

"Your not taking my kids Harry" she says hugging them " Than O'm taking Reneea and you'll see her on the weekends." She stared to cry harder " I dont want my daughter growing up with you and some whore" She says

"Ever since your misscarige you haven't been the same"I say

"Harry , Harry , how could you be so blind ? It wasn't a misscarige it was an abortion"

I suddenly grew angry inside and pushed her onto the bed. " FINE TAKE THE KIDS AND EVERYTHING I LOVE DIVORCE ME IF YOU WANT!!" i shouted at her

"Fine pack you shit and get out , or I'll do it for you" she said Picking up Renneea"

"Y/N , im so sorry baby please"

Putting Renneea down in her crib she said "I guesse I have to help you?" she asked closing the bed room door.

"All this time how could i be so stupid , I gave birth to you four children , I left my family for , god damnit Harry I dropped out of law school for you , and this is the thanks i get so please I'm asking you nicely to get the Fuck out of my house" she yelled putting my things in a suite case

"Before I go can i hug my kids" I asked

"Oh the kids you didn't want" She said sarcasticley

"Dad , what is mam say about" Lili asked

"Lili , you heard her dad dosn't care about us" Lyam said "Lyam I-" I tried to explain

"No dad I thought I knew you but obviously not good enough , here's a picture me and Gabe drew for you" Lyam threw the paper on the floor and left the room crying

"Bye dad" Lili said with a sad look in her eyes

"Give your father a hug Gabe , Lili , I'll make sure Lyam is okay" Y/N said

"I dont want to" Gabe said

"Gabe please" I asked

"Why you don't want us remeber , come on Lili we have school tomorrow " Gabe said , trying to pull Lili away

"Wait ..." Lili said as she gave her dad a hug

"It's okay I know your sad daddy but you cant hurt mom like that " Lili whishped in my ear

"Harry leave" Y/N said as she went to stop Renneea from crying

"I'll miss you" I say to Y/N

"Go miss Kendall , and Michelle" she said locking the door

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