#YouHelpUs18 - Reread

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The title said it all. I'm not talking about how you should reread your writing for numerous times. When you finish the whole book, reread it.

I am not a big fan of writing, to be honest. I am mostly a reader. And it helps me a lot to maintain my writing. Yes, reading.

Have you ever heard, you have to be a reader to become a great writer? I guess most of you have heard it or read it. That's true! I have to admit it- we have to admit it!

Ignore all the black sheep inside of your head and go for whatever your heart and brain desire. Do not think of rethinking and reread before you finished the whole book. It might sounds like a Proofreader- indeed it is! Be a Proofreader for yourself.

The book will never correct itself. Who will be the one to correct? Your assistance? Someone from the publisher? No. Absolutely no. It should be you, because the feeling is all yours, thruly. Having someone proofreading your book for the first time is...how could I say this? Heartless. Mindless. What is the right word for those words?! Sure that would be a great word!

Make it feels like you were reading other people's book, not yours. Got it? Have you stick this one onto your brain? Alright, good! Relax. Throw all of your anxiousness to the nearest thrash bin. It's another brand new book of the genre you chose! Who is the author? Because the writing sure is marvelous. Douche.

Read it again. Slowly. In a place full of anything you loves. Well, I'm not saying you can't reread your finished book anywhere. Anywhere are good!

I know there are so many types of reader. So to keep it sure, I'll give some recommendation. These are some of great places for you to reread.

1. Library. Classic yet energizing. Have you ever feel you've been so energise whenever books surrounding you? That's the energy! Yet the Library itself is quite and classic.

2. Near a field. Rereading while others are cheering and playing? Why not? That sure is challenging! If you can't stand quite places, then I think this place would be great.

3. You choose! This reread activity is to correct your writing. Don't forget, it's your main reason. So, whatever place you feel like to, go on! Still, you have to choose a place where you can focus with your task.

Anyway, I didn't say you have to rewrite immediately. Reread, take a note, write those corrections, then rewrite. That's the step. Also, don't forget to rest! Reread must be tiring, because brain working more 'powerful' than physical treat.

Last but not least, keep up with your writing!

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