Corporal - Melody and Harmony

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Title: Corporal - Melody and Harmony
Fandom: Cassiopeia - TVXQ!
Inspired Song: JEJUNG & YUCHUN (from 東方神起) COLORS ~Melody and Harmony~
Cast: Junsu (main cast), Yunho, and Jaejoong


My feet went slowly, down an alley filled with Cars and Birds feeding them. Humming, these eyes scanned some of the cars I passed. All are black and white, some are gray. Somehow I see all the walls that squeeze this road as black and white too. Don't forget the fact that the Birds have white fur.

My day is full of black, white, and slightly gray. Monochrome.

"Nananana~" Occasionally my head moves left and right to follow the song.


'The Car is black again,' I thought. My eyes followed the Car and found that two little boys were playing Football.

The retinas of my eyes are enchanted. Slowly, a green colour is visible on both boys. They do wear green-dominated clothes. Then, I looked at the area around me.

Red, blue, purple, and a little yellow.

"Colour..." I mumble. I see a colourful world!

I looked back at the boys and found one of them falling. Immediately I walked over to them.

"Let me help stand up," I offered to help. This hat-boy received my hand and smiled, so did his friend. I smile.

"Thank you!"

"Anytime!" I replied. "Next time, play in a field, not on the side of the highway like this. It's dangerous if you get hit by a passing vehicle."

They nodded, "We'll do it!" They say at once.

I smiled back. That way, I continued my steps.

Now I'm downtown. The first thing I saw was a fountain right in the middle of town.

White. That's all I can see.

After walking a little further, I met two men. Smiles appeared on both of their faces.
One of them was blowing something out, and then a lot of floating objects went round.

I was so curious, so I went up to them.

"Hi?" I say hesitantly. It was the first time I had spoken to a stranger on my age.

They both look, "Junsu!" They shouted together. Their faces seemed pleased with my arrival.

I blink once, then put up with a puzzled expression, "You know me?"

"This is us; Jaejoong and Yunho! "

My eyes immediately circled perfectly, "Jaejoong? Yunho? Is this really you guys?" I asked excitedly.

They immediately embraced me. I hugged them back.

"We miss you," Yunho said. Jaejoong nods.

I look at the thing Yunho holds, "What's that?" I asked curiously.

Yunho lifted a round-cut sticks in his hand, "Oh, this? Are you curious? All right, watch carefully, I'll do a magic."

I nodded. Feeling very enthusiastic about the 'magic' he said.

He dipped the rounded tip on a plastic cup filled with water, then blew the rounded tip toward me.

I giggled. It feels a bit amused as these round objects hit my skin.

Jaejoong laughs at me, "Do you like it?" he asked.

I nodded, "But, they're all those... what?" I asked who was still busy looking at these round objects.



"Yes. It's a bubble. This isn't a magic. You can do it too."

"Really?" I asked, glancing at Yunho. He was smiling broadly.

"Here, I'll lend my wand," he said. I take it with pleasure. This round objects named 'bubble' is very beautiful. My laughter flows, mingled with their laughter.

I stared at the bubbles floating in the wind, leaving my gaze and some bursting silently. I can hardly believe my sight. I see Jaejoong and Yunho are pink. The clothes they wear are pink. The walls that are near us are also similar in colour. The colours are beautifully embedded with their smiles.

I blow again wand in my hand and this time directed it to them. They giggled. After the pink colour, I can see a variety of colours far behind their backs.

I was astonished.

They realize my actions. They're also direct attention to the eyes of my eyes.

"Ah," Jaejoong said. "It's called Carnival, usually held temporally," he explained.

Yunho immediately pulled my hand toward the carnival, "You'll love that place. Let's go there!"

I can only obey where Yunho took me. Beside him, Jaejoong walks with excitement as well.

Yellow. Green. Gray. Blue. Pink. Purple. Brown. Red. Black. White. Orange.

"Is there... a place like this?" I mumble.

I looked around the carnival. Many people pass by, even some families.

Jaejoong and Yunho smile warmly.

"Junsu," Jaejoong said, "welcome to the world. I'm glad that your eye surgery went well. I'm glad you finally can see colours that always make you curious. I am so glad."

"We are also happy, Junsu. After a long time friendship, but cannot see our face, you finally got it," Yunho said. "How? Is the world as interesting as you think? "

I took a deep breath, "Much more interesting than I imagined. Like a melody and harmony in love," I mumble.

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