Ming 01

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Have you ever felt like there is something missing in your life, and then suddenly, after an unfortunate event, you find that it actually directed you to your completion? That's what I felt. That's what I feel.

In the middle of my sophomore year, dad got a promotional transfer because of his job as a general surgeon in the most prestigious hospital in all of Thailand. I was okay with my previous school, complete with friends and so-called friends (lackeys). I can't really ask for more, except that there is. Was.

I used to think that there's something missing from all of the things that I possess. I used to grovel on it in the past. I stopped when I realized I may never find it in this life.

When dad broke the news of his transfer, I wasn't really devastated, but I wasn't thrilled about it too.

My inner sentiments just got worse.

When I got admitted to the new school which is near dad's new hospital right in the middle of the year, I thought I wasn't going to like it. But I thought wrong, and I want to treasure my new-found purpose.

He says I'm trying to defeat him?

I'm not trying to defeat him—Ai'Kit. I am matching him. Have I given off that kind of impression, that I'm trying to be better than him? I only thought of matching him, to fit him, because I am in love with him.

Yes. It is the truth.

You think it's too fast? Maybe. But not for me. People may call it as love at first sight, but I don't care. Kit is an amazing person, and I've learned of that by always observing him and by asking around.

People adore him and his friends.

Of course, I have to create my name in order to be suited for him.

I release his penis with a pop. I love the thought that he initiated this physical intimacy. It elates me.

He stabilizes his breathing. I look up at him, licking my lips seductively.

"You didn't have to, Mingkwan. I—"

"Ming. Please call me Ming." I interrupt his words gently.

"Ming. Okay, Ming." he furrows his brows, seemingly thinking of anything nice to say.

Well, practically, we just gave each other head. It's not that much normal for any man to do that to other men without getting confused. Not on my part, though. I'm not prejudiced about these things. But, sure, it's my first with another guy.

I stand up and speak, "Say no more. I wanted to do it, because it's you. Now go, before Wayo suspects anything about you taking your time. Bye!" I bid him goodbye with a wink.

Damn. I hate the flirting part. I don't flirt, I was the one getting flirted. Something is sure different with this Kit. It is like I can flirt with him or something more, and it only comes out so naturally. I don't have to sugarcoat my words, or do extra effort to get his attention, or make him feel my presence.

Yes, it's not easy to deal with his slight moodiness. But it is one of his cute sides, I like to think.

I hear him muttering as he finishes showering. Suddenly, I remember a very important detail.

"KitKat! Accept my friend request and then let's talk later." I slap my palm on my mouth. Damn! I accidentally let the nickname slip. I call him KitKat—my favorite snack—in my fantasies...I mean, dreams.

"Who are you calling KitKat, huh? Are you stupid? My name is Kit." He says, threateningly approaching. He even pushes me as if asking for a fight, but his cheeks are suddenly flushed. He likes it? Oho~ Okay, KitKat it is. I mentally fist pump.

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