Ming 03

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A present!

Damn! I'm not that good with these kinds of things. Forth and Beam usually spend their birthdays with me, and they love to throw me out of their room when their lovey-dovey time strikes the clock.

They don't really expect any gift from me because they know I'm stupid with finding the right gift to give. Now that I think of it, they just tolerate my uselessness in this area. I facepalm.

Okay. Given that KitKat is surely not expecting anything from me, I still want to give him something.

I stare into the distance and think hard. What would make THE Kittinan Intochar happy for his birthday?

Me? Heheheh!

Okay. That's too much. I shouldn't be thinking this way yet.

I mean, I can afford to give him anything. However, even in myself, I know that he won't be truly happy with just simply anything. I need to be original.

I type in to Google: "How to be original in giving a birthday gift?"

(A/N: Alright~!👏👏👏 Very original, Ai'Ming. Very original. 😒)

There are several things that are suggested, but mostly are vague. I sigh in defeat. Continuing with my research, I even stumble upon the cliche ways to celebrate birthdays.

Browsing them all takes my time.

Frustation is getting the best of me.

A few minutes later, a series of firm knocks alerts me of the presence of a visitor...or rather, visitors.

"Ai'Ming! Open up!" I run to the door and welcome my Momma and Poppa in. They bring with them a few bags of food and beverages, as well as a big bag strapped on Poppa Forth's shoulder.

"Are you guys staying over?" I ask in pure excitement. They nod at the same time, flashing me a couple bright smiles.

Great! I have someone to consult with for my situation. They will surely know how to be creative with these kinds of stuffs.

I let them settle down for a few minutes, swinging back and forth on the balls of my heels.

Beamy must have noticed. He gives me a knowing stare.

"Okay. Spill it out. What is it this time?" his voice makes me jump a bit in my place. Stupid Beamy being very observant.

"What~ I haven't even done anything." I defend with a slight pout. His knowing stare arrests whatever excuse I want to come up with.

I begin to explain, "There is this new friend of mine who is going to celebrate their birthday next week. What would you suggest I give the person?"

"Is it a guy?" Forth asks.

"Of course, it is." Beam grunts, rolling his eyes.

"I didn't say anything!" I try to defend again.

"The fact that he refuses to identify that part, means a larger possibility that it is a guy. And the fact that this conversation is happening, means Ming is either trying to befriend or to court the guy."

"Whatever. Now, what do you suggest I give him?" I answer, trying to revert the conversation back to my question.

"Be original. Be creative. And don't be a jerk." Beam raises a finger each with every one advice.

"But Ai'Ming is not creative and you know it. When's the last time you ever see his creative side?" Poppa Forth asks Momma Beamy. The later shakes his head a no.

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