Kit 02

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I feel so stupid.

Did I just make an unspoken challenge or anything when I offered that handshake for the first time?

"Congratulations to the two of you, Mr. Intochar and Mr. Daichapanya, for getting the same highest scores for this exam." the class cheers for the two of us. I give a dimpled smile.

Suddenly, I feel it again. A slight discomfort at the back of my head, saying that someone is staring. I whip my head around, in search of anyone doing so.

Looking behind me, I see Ming smiling at me widely. I return the smile even though I am utterly freaked out. He does that always...always.

"Congrats, Kit." he says, surprising me, before tapping my shoulder, surprising me even more. My smile falters.

"Thanks. You, too." I say doubtfully, turning my back at him. I feel him staring again.

I am starting to get uncomfortable. I tap my foot on the floor.




More tapping.

"Argh! Can you stop the staring?!" My words and my actions are very sudden that even Phana jumps slightly in his seat beside me.

The stupid guy raises both of his hands as if denying my accusation. I narrow my eyes at him. He bites his lips, trying not to laugh. I look around and notice all of the people in the room giving us a funny look.

I give a wai of apology to the professor, sinking in my seat. This is stupid. My ear catches a silent giggle, aggravating me even more.


The gloomy atmosphere which Professor Auntie's presence imposes to all of us is giving me a headache.

She is constantly moody and unfairly strict-always on the watch for our minute mistakes. Such a savage.

"Okay, listen. For thirty minutes, I am going to give extra points in the exam to any of you who will be able to create a concise and comprehensive report about UTI." she says in a voice that can be in par with that of Professor Snape.

"Begin." she orders.

I begin shuffling and scribbling, obtaining and organizing my data. I bother Pha from time to time, earning a glare and a middle finger. In the end, Pha's report got refused for writing his report like a science journal. Though, he gets extra credit for the immense information his 'journal' offers. Damn.

Moving on, my work and Mingkan's got chosen. Professor Auntie look the two of us up and down, as if judging us with her fake lashes fluttering like moth wings.

We got the same grade and the same extra points for the upcoming exam. I turn to go back to my seat, smiling contentedly with my accomplishment.

Our laboratory room is set to have rows of long tables with a mini counter in the middle, dividing the opposite sides into two.

I walk to my place and sit. I nearly forget the fact that the new guy chose the space directly in front of me. We are sitting face to face.

Suddenly, I get the nagging feeling again. That same hunch that someone is staring.

I raise my head and certainly, Mingkwan is blatanly staring at me. Are you serious!?

I frown at him. He smiles in return.

"Is there something wrong in my face?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Congratulations. Next time let's do our best again." he says, leaning forward.

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