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I curled my hair and touched up my makeup as i looked at my final product. Dam do i look good. "Ok girls how do i look",I said stepping out of the bathroom to be faced by my two closest best friends who were checking themselves out in the full mirror i had in my room. "Ooh look at you going for the simple sexy",Dawn said as i smiled. "I still say it should be a bit more sexy, i mean we are going to an all ages club, why not find some cute boys there",Nat said as i rolled my eyes. "Nat if you saw what is under this jean dress you would keep quite", i said as Dawn's eye went wide. "No fucking way Sky,really", she said as i lifted my dress to show her what i had under. "I like it although you should show it more though, it shapes your body more",Nat said as Dakota smacked her arm. "No she's seventeen, to young for shit like that", Dawn said as i rolled my eyes. "I am not that young compare to you two, now let's go to the party because i wanna party till i drop", i said as we headed out of the house.

I'm lucky that my parents went out to dinner tonight for their 10 year anniversary because i know for a fact that would have not let me go to this club especially with the outfit i'm wearing. We got in Natasha's car as we blasted some music and getting hyped before arriving to the club. We headed inside as music was blasting and many people were either at the bar or on the dance floor. "Come on guys let's go dance", Dawn said pulling Nat and i to the dance floor.

Scream by usher was playing and the girls and i started to dancing and singing to it since it was one of our favorite songs. "Sky not to get you worked up or anything but there is a cute boy looking your way", Nat said poking me a bit as i turned around to see a boy looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Ha like he thinks he has a chance, he probably just wants to fuck and ditch", i said rolling my eyes and kept dancing. "Awe come on Sky, give the boy a chance i mean when do you think of ever being with someone",Dawn said as i shrugged.

"I don't know maybe when i find that someone,but i don't think a guy at the club will be the best thing",i said as i looked back at the boy to see him talking to one of his friends with a smile on his face. 'I'm gonna go get a drink", i said as i headed towards the bar. "How can i help you", the bartender asked as i took a seat on one of the stools. "Yeah can i two shots vodka tonic", i asked as i showed the man my fake ID. "Coming right up",he said as he started to prepare my drinks.

"Here you go darling",he said as he placed my drinks in front of me. "Thanks, her-",i said about to pay the man when the boy who was checking me out before came forth. "I got it, here you go dude. Do me a favor Michael if this girl wants anymore drinks you give it to her alright",the boy said as the Michael guy nodded his head nervously. "You don't have to do that,i'm capable of paying for my own drinks", i said crossing my arms. "It seems like it sweetie but take it as a favor from me for being so hot",he said as i rolled my eyes. "I don't need the cute compliments, especially from a horny teenage boy like you",i said as i downed both of the shots right in front of the boy. "See ya", i said as i walked towards the girls.

After a couple of more dances and drinks i finally decide that i should head home. "Hey guys i'm gonna head home ok",i told the girls as they nodded their heads. "Are you sure you'll be ok",Nat slurred as i nodded my head. "I'm sure,see you tomorrow at school",i said as i hugged them before leaving. I walked out and took my phone out of my purse to call a taxi to pick me up. "Well look at this", i herd a voice said as i looked to see a strange old man. "Can i help you", i asked the man.

"Yeah, and in ways you wouldn't think of", he said as he grabbed his crotch. "Get away you pervert",i said about to get away but he took grip of me. "You ain't going nowhere",he said as he dragged me to an alley way while i'm trying my hardest to get out of his grip. "Let go", i said kicking him in the balls making him loose his grip and bending down. "Oh hell no", he said as he jumped on top of me making me fall down. "Get off", i screamed as he covered my mouth. "Your dfenetly getting it tonight skank", he said taking a grip of my shorts.

I kept screaming his hand, even bitting him but nothing and he was about to enter his hand in my underwear until someone grabbed the guy off of me. "You think this is tolerable,huh", a guy with curly hair said to the guy. "Why don't you back off and let me enjoy my treat", the man said licking his lips while looking at me. "So funny, but you know what is also funny",the guy asked him. "What", the old man asked. "Dying", he said as he then enjected the old man with something. The old man then started fumming at the mouth before he fell to the floor still shaking until he stopped.

"You, you just killed him", i said shaking while looking at the guy with curly hair. "He deserved it, here let me help you",the guy said as i backed up. "No, no get away, i hope you enjoy jail", i said as i stood up but felt something behind me. I turned to be faced with two guys, a blonde one and a very tall guy. "I don't think you would be able to go away sweetie", the guy said as two other boys stood next to him one being the guy who was flirting with me at the bar. "What ar_', i was about to say until i felt something cover my mouth. I was struglling in the person's grip until things started to get dark and i went weak.

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