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"Sky,Sky,Sky",i herd Zach say from the other side of the bathroom door. "What do you want Idiot",i asked as i was fixing my hair. "I got a surprise for you", Zach said as i opened the door. "What is it, and please say that it isn't sex because i'll just reverse myself to the bathroom",i said as Zach Chuckled. "No it isn't Sex",he said as he took out a duffel bag from under the bed. "What's this"i said taking hold of the bag. "This is what you will be needing for your sleepover with the girls",Zach said as my face lit up. "Wait really",i asked as he nodded his head. "After yesterday i convinced Jonah and Jack to let you girls have a little sleepover,it will have to be in the basement though alright",Zach said as i nodded my head. "Thank you Zach",i said giving him a tight hug. "Do i get a kiss for this",Zach said jokinly. "Sure",i said as i pecked his lips before releasing my arms from around his neck. "See you Zachary",i said giving him a wink before i made my way to the basement. "Skylar",the girls said as they ran to me into a hug. "Girls, how are you guys",i said as we released the hug. "Well other than being trapped here, i would say alright i guess",Dawn said crossing her arms. "I actually sorta like my rooming buddies, Jonah, gosh that boy is such a flirt and Corbyn is very smart ,i sorta would pair him with you Dawn",Nat said as i smiled as Dawn rose her eyebrow. "How come i haven't met this Corbyn dude because Jack seems to be a dick and the only boy i could stand is Daniel but he barley talks",Dawn said as Nat and i had the uneasy look. "What",Dawn asked looking at us.

"Your rooming with a killer",Nat said as Dawn eyes went wide. "What, what do you mean", Dawn asked being a bit scared. "The night that i diapered an old pervert tried to rape me and well Zach had sent Jack to come and kill the boy and he did,that's why i'm here and due to you guys coming here you got trapped as well",i said as Dawn started to pace. "Oh no,no ,no, Sky we gotta get the hell out of here", Dawn said taking hold of me. "We can't, were under their control", Nat said from behind us. "Well i'm gonna find a way",Dawn said looking around. "Dawn i don't really think it's a good idea, your just gonna get the boys mad",i said as she ignored me. "I found a door",Dawn said as she opened it. However as she did that an alarm went of making the boys all run downstairs. "Hey",Jack said as he quickly grabbed Dawn before she could run away. Jonah grabbed Nat as Zach grabbed me. Jack then shut the door as the alarm went off. "This is why we shouldn't have let these girls stay together",Jack said as he gave Dawn a dirty look. "What are you gonna do, kill us now huh like the little murder you are",Dawn said looking at Jack but as well as the rest of the boys. "You know what with that attitude i might",Jack said as i was about to go after him but Zach pulled me back.

"Lay a hand on her any type of way Jack, i swear ill find a way to get out of here and report your ass",i said yelling a bit. "Sweatie, your under Zach's control, no pone ever leaves him,he's to smart for that shit",Jack said as he pulled Dawn up the stairs. "Come on", Zach said pulling me up the stairs and into his room. I got out of his grip as i went on his bed and grabbed a pillow as i began to slightly cry into it. "I hate him i swear, if he lays a hand on Dawn, Zachary Dean Herron i will hurt him",i said holding my pillow. "He's not gonna hurt Dawn ok", Zach said as he sat in front of me. "I can't keep living here Zach, i can't live in a house where i can only see outside very few,i haven't even been able to explore the house as much either",i said as Zach looked at his lap. "I thought you liked it here with me",Zach said looking up at me. "I do, believe or not, i just can't stand being stuck in one place you know",i said looking down a bit. "I promise you,you won't be stuck here for long ok",Zach said lifting my chin up. "Thank you",i said as i pecked his lips again.Yet i didn't expect was for him to grab my face and kiss me with more passion than any boy that i have kissed. Woah, i think i'm in love with this kid and there is no way he doesn't feel the same.

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