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"Ok i did not expect you to have me wake up so early to get me ready",I said as i stayed cuddled in Daniel's chest. "Well missy you need to look marvelous for your date with Daniel", Nat said as i groaned. "She doesnt need to go over board on it,i think she looks beautiful in each and every way",Daniel said making me blush. "Stop it Danny",i said as he gave me a peck on the lips. "Come on, we gotta get you ready for your small date",Nat said getting me off and away from Daniels little blow up bed. I groaned as we had to head to Zach's room to get my clothes. 'Hey girls what are you guys doing here",Zach said as he looked up from his phone. "Looking for an outfit for Sky's date with Daniel",Nat said as i look a deep sigh, really Nat really. "Your going on a date with Daniel", Zach said as i nodded my head. 

"Yeah, i sorta kinda asked him yesterday", i said looking down at my nails as i played with my hands. "Oh well i hope you enjoy yourself, i'll leave you girls to it",Zach said before he walked out of the room. Right as the door closed i hit Nat on her arm. "Owe what the hell was that for",Nat said rubbing her arm. "Why did you tell that to Zach, the dude is probably feeling sad or broken because i'm moving on",i said as i sat on the bed. "He deserves it whether or not he likes it ok, he should have never put a hand on you and YOU have all the right in the world to move on and be happy and so does he",she said as i nodded my head. I deserve to be happy and Daniel does, he really does. Yet i sometimes reflect on what it could have been with Zach but it's over now. I like Daniel and he should find someone he genuinely likes. "Uu i actually think this would look cute on you", Nat said pulling out an outfit. "Ok i guess i'll put this on", i said grabbing the outfit an d heading into the bathroom to put it on.   

After i changed i left the bathroom for Nat to see. "Yes i knew it was gonna be a good outfit,now hair and makeup",she said as i rolled my eyes.  "Don't put on to much, don't wanna look like a barbie doll',i said sitting on the bed as she then went to her room for the makeup. "Hey Sky",Corbyn said walking in the room. "Hey Corbean, what's up",i asked as he sat next to me. "SO i uh wanted to ask you a question about Dawn",he said as my eyes went wide a bit. "What do you like have interest in Dawn",i asked as he nodded his head. "Yeah and you being her friend, what does she like in a guy",Corbyn asked as i chuckled a bit. "If your worried she might not like you, trust me just act like yourself and she will fall deeply in love with you. she likes smart, caring and funny boys, so you'll be fine",i said patting his shoulder. "Thanks, anyway why are you all dressed up",he said as he looked at my outfit. "I'm going on a date with Daniel today",i said as Corbyn was a bit shocked. 

"Does Zach know",he asked as i nodded my head. "Yep and unfortuanetly he had to be told by Nat about it",i said as Corbyn chuckled a bit. "She for sure hates Zach,but who can really blame her. How did he react",he asked as i sighed. "He left the room so i guess he's hurt by it but i have to move on and Daniel likes me and i like him so what else could i do",i said as Nat then walked in with her bag of makeup. "Well as long as you guys are happy and Zach doesn't throw a fit, i approve",he said as i chuckled and nodded my head. "Well i'll leave you two ladies get to work",Corbyn said as he then left. "Let's get you all pretty", Nat said as i sighed. 

"And we are done",Nat said after about thirty minutes of dolling me up. "Thank god ,i thought i was gonna be tortured for another hour or so",i said standing up and looking at myself. "Impressive Nat, i like it a lot",i said as she squealed. "Ok now go get your man",Nat said kicking me out of the room. I made my way to Daniel's shared room as i opened the door to see him fixing his hair in the mirror. I looked at his outfit and for something so simple he really rocks it. "Are you done or do i have to be the one to wait",i asked grabbing his attention. "Wow, you look amazing",he said checking me out. "And you look very handsome, simple but handsome",i said walking towards him. "Don't i look handsome all the time",he said as i chuckled. "Yeah but today mostly",i said wrapping my arms around his neck. "I think you look beautiful all the time, i don't think there's one day where i just get lost in your beauty",he said making me blush. 

"Ok enough with the sappy stuff, we have a date to go to",i said taking his hand in with mine before bringing him downstairs. "Awe look at you guys going on your first date",Jonah said making daniel and i blush. "Just remember no sex, i don't want a kid running around her any time soon", Dawn said as i chuckled. "By the way he's looking today, i can't promise anything",i said placing my hand on Daniel's stomach making him blush. "Well we will be going",Daniel said as we started making our way to the door. "Use protection",Corbyn yelled before we were out of the house. "So where are we going Mr. Seavey",i asked as we got into his car. "We are going to an ice cream parlor my dear and then walk around the park for a bit if you want",Daniel said as i nodded my head. "I like the idea",i said as Daniel then drove off. We then reached this cute little ice cream parlor. Daniel got out of his seat and came to my side to open the door for me. "What a gentle man",i said as we then entered the ice cream parlor. "How can i help you",a middle age women said coming to us. 

"Strawberry sorbet",Daniel and i said together as we both chuckled a bit. "So two strawberry sorbet ice creams for the couple",the lady asked as we nodded our heads. "18.50",the lady said putting it in the little computer screen. "I got it",Daniel said pulling a twenty out of his pants and hand it to the lady as she gave him his change. "You didn't have to do that but thank you",i said as we then took our seat on a booth near the window. "I wasn't gonna let a girl pay even if you did have money or not i will always pay for you",he said as i smiled. "I swear with you i can't get away from the cheesy stuff huh",i said making him chuckle a bit. "Eh i guess it sticks to me all the time huh",he said as the lady then brought us our ice creams. "Thank you ma'am",Daniel said as the lady left. "Gosh i haven't had ice cream in a while",i said diving in for my ice. "You had ice cream like three days ago",Daniel said a bit confused. "Yeah that's a long time my dude",i said as he shook his head before enjoying his own ice cream.

 "So Ms. Skylar, what interest do you have in love, like what do you wanna achieve to be in life",Daniel asked me. "A stripper",i said as he chocked a bit on his ice cream making me laugh. "No no im kidding, but i got you. I actually enjoy acting and writing",i said as Daniel nodded his head. "Have you ever gone to an audition for any production",Daniel asked as i shook my head. "Nah because i haven't got the time and i don't have access to go to auditions due to my parents",i said looking down a bit. "I can help you one day, take you to an audition and everything",Daniel said as i shook my head. "You don't have to do that Daniel,you have to worry about your own job and life before you focus on a girl like me", i said as Daniel took my hand in his. "This girl is very special, kind, caring, funny,beautiful and defends not only her rights but for others. You want me to focus on my life, we'll your apart of it so i will help you and you will have to take it one way or another",Daniel said making me smile. "Thank you Danny",i said as i went over the table a bit as i pecked his lips. "If it wasn't because of your innocence i would have probably let you fuck me to be honest",i said making him blush a bit. "I wouldn't mind it",he said with a small smirk. "How about we wait a bit Seavey",i said sitting back done. "Sky",he said as i looked up at him. "Would you be my girlfriend please",Daniel asked as i smiled. "I would love to Daniel James Seavey",i said making him smile. "Well Skylar Evans, i guess we're official",he said making me smile even bigger. 

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