Chapter 1 Four-legged Ambush

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A few hours later I wake up wrapped in Mowgli's arms. I look at him as he seems to be in a slumber. I gently sit up and move his arms to look at Brute. He was actually sleeping as well. I chuckle as I look at my brothers sleeping peacefully. I look around as I start carefully climbing down the tree. I felt hungry and I know my brothers would be too. I walk through the forest making sure to picture my surroundings in my head so I wouldn't get lost. I look up at the few rays of sunshine able to pass through the canopies then finally I found what I was looking for.

"Mangoes," I exclaim as I run towards the tree. There were three big ripe ones, one of each of us. I reach the base of the tree and start to climb it. The fruits were high towards the top but luckily the tree itself was not so tall. I reach the mangoes and pull out the branch that connected the trees. Suddenly, I was falling. My eyes widen as I see a monkey seeming to be laughing as he watches me fall. I grumbled then quickly moved my position and caught a branch to stop my fall. However, the force made my lose grip on the branch of mangoes.

"Oh no!" I really wanted to get those for my brothers and I to eat and now they're falling. I knew if I got down quick enough It'll still be there. But I was slow on the act. A monkey from an opposite direction quickly leaps from nearby tree to tree. It seems to be moving towards the mangoes that fell out my hand. I gasp then quickly got down in an attempt to get them back. I wanted to yell at it, scare it, but it probably won't get affected from that distance. I got down and quickly ran to it. They were right there! I reach for it but I was a half second to late as the long arm of the monkey grabbed it. I heard the other other monkey from the mango tree let out a call to that one. So they know each. I furrow my brows and clench my teeth as I furiously  grab the tail of monkey and yank the branch out of it's hand. I made a run for it. Silly me, monkeys are pretty fast, even if they are on the ground. The monkey screeches and accelerates to me, pouncing on me as it scratches my back. I yell in pain, for it did hurt but my grip on the branch only tightened. I started to hear rustling from the branches above. It must be the other monkey. I knew I had to move fast, or I'll be at a huge disadvantage. I slowly started to get up, with the monkey on top of me, and I leaned to the side roughly throwing it off. My face grimaced as I stood tall and gave it a deadly glare to intimidate it. It did flinch, and step back, but it wasn't enough to get it to leave.

He jumped towards me, clearly wanting a fight for the fruits. I quickly jumped away and imitated his move. I jumped at it. My weight was heavier which made the animal immediately fall as I stood over him giving him a deadly glare. I was hesitant as to what to do and that was a mistake. The monkey decided to bite me. I winced and my teeth clenched tighter. Out of instinct and reaction, I made a fist and punched his head. I kept hitting at his head till it decided to let go. I quickly started to run again. The pain I put on the monkey probably kept it down because he wasn't chasing after. Out of the blue, as I turn my head to face forward the monkey that pushed me off the tree was back. He jumped down many feet ahead of me. Remembering what he did to me I was getting more angered the closer I ran to him.

"Get out of MY WAY!!" I was getting closer, and closer. "HAAAAAAAA," I roared as i instinctively lifted my foot high enough and wacked him on his side. Surprisingly, he went flying to the tree 5 feet away from me. I continued to run away looking back a few times to make sure I wasn't being chased.  Finally I reached the tree that my brothers are in. The only difference is now they're awake. Mowgli yawned as he rubs his eyes.

"What was that sound," he asked then looks up at Brute.

"I don't know but where's Jade?"

"Right here," I said as I climb up the tree, ignoring the aching pain now coming from my shoulder.
"Look what I got us!" I lifted the mangoes proudly as I showed my brothers. How can I not, I fought for this. 

"Wow, they're pretty big, thanks Jade!" I smile bright at my twin.

"Anything for you Mowgli." 

"Hopefully that wasn't too much of a problem getting them," Brute then said after with a smile.

"Don't worry," I reassured. I climbed up to my spot next to Mowgli and pulled out a mango for each of them. We all then started to eat. The mangoes were delicious. Definitely worthy to fight for. As I got halfway with my mango I heard a movement behind me. Before I turned I already heard a whisper.

"These look pretty bad, you sure you're okay," Brute says then touches the scratches. I yelped quietly jumping a little.

"Ouch it does hurt, and your clothes are torn a little. What happened?" Mowgli then looked at me as his face was in the mango. He looked a bit worried as well.I looked down and with a sigh I told them. 

"I just got attacked by monkeys who wanted the mangoes I got first. I won luckily, but I did get hurt." 

"Well we better get those wounds clean." I pouted slightly as I look at Brute.

"You're starting to worry too much. They're just scratches, they'll heal soon."

"But they're red and are bleeding a little. They can get infected." Before I can even answer, he's already near the bottom of the tree probably finding herbs and stuff to clean me. I sigh as I heard Mowgli laugh a little next to me. 

"Were you guys always like this," he asks with a cute smile. I couldn't help but smile softly back. 

"You should probably get a new top too since it's ripped." I sweatdrop as I look at him. 

"I don't need a new shirt. It has a tear to express my victory!" I smirked down at him as he slowly chuckles looking at me. Mowgli puts an arm around me laughing. 

"Yeah, it looks pretty cool on your back too." I nodded in agreement.

"And also, I'm glad you're safe too, even if it was obvious you would somehow win." He gripped my should a bit and I winced. He looked at me.

"Is there another wound you're not telling us about?" 

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