Chapter 3 Green Stuff

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"Are we there yet," asks Mowgli. "No," Brute answers. 

"Are we there yet," Jade later asks again.  "No," he replies again.  Jade and Mowgli then let's out a groan. "UUUUUUUGH!"

 "Stop complaining we're almost there." 

"Finally," they exclaim.
"Twins these days," Brute whispers softly.
"Are you mad that you don't have one," Mowgli asks bluntly. 
"No." He answered with a face that looked like he was about to get mad.
"Okay just wondering." 

Mowgli stares with glee as the siblings reach the village.
"I've been to the village before but this is way different from the jungle."
"The food is not hard to find. There are people to play with and places to stay," says Jade in awe.

"Yup, this is the village," the oldest brother comments.
"Just wow," Jade mutters a bit amazed. She looks at Mowgli as Mowgli looks at her. 

"Let's go eat!"

"Hey, you were thinking the same time I was," they say in unison. "Let's go!"
"Wait," Brute calls out to them. 
"What now," they ask a bit impatiently.
"To get the food we need this," says Brute pulling out something green from his pocket.
"What's that green stuff," Jade and Mowgli ask puzzled.
"This green stuff is called money. Apparently when those guys were looking for Jade, they left it as some soft of bribe to change her mind about staying away from them." Jade leans in peering her eyes unto the money. 
"Well all I see are a bunch of ones and fives and coins with writing on them. Then there's this green stuff and ugly men in the middle, and is that a triangle with an eye in it?!"

"So you're saying,  if we give them that, then we get food?" "That's right, " Brute answers to Mowgli.
"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" "Yeah, let's go," Jade blurts out after. Jade and Mowgli start to run into the village. "Hey wait up," Brute calls out after them.

 The twins run into the nearby market and spots a lady with a bucket of apples in her basket. "Excuse me ma'am," asks Mowgli. "Can me and my sister get an apple please?"
"Yes you can, but it costs a dollar. However, you guys look new and so adorable. I'll let you have one free on the house." "Yay," the children shout.  "How generous of you," Jade says after with a smile. As the lady gives the twins an apple, Brute comes along. 
"Excuse me ma'am, how much are the apples." "One dollar each," she answers. Brute looks into the money he has and gives her one. "Here ya go." The lady looks the bill. "Not trying to be rude or anything but are you sure you want twenty apples.  You gave me twenty bucks." "Oh no!" He takes back the money as he hears snickering from his younger siblings behind him. "Here's the right amount." He hands her a dollar. She smiles as she takes the money and gives him a fresh apple. "Thank-you. Have a great day!" He nods in return then walks away from the stand. "Wow, I really have to get used to this money stuff."
"You really do," Jade and Mowgli comment behind him with mouths full. He looks behind to see their smiles plastered upon their faces. "This is not a joke guys."
"We know."

"Mmh, this apple is really juicy and yummy," says Jade finishing her apple minutes later. "Yeah, it tastes so good," Mowgli replies finishing his as well. "I agree with you both," says Brute before taking a final bite into his apple. The siblings continue to walk through the marketplace. Jade looks around and spots a jewelry seller. She slows down to a stop and goes over to the stand. She looks at the jewels in awe. There was a pair of similar silver ones that stood out to her.
"Jade what are you doing back there," Mowgli asks turning around but she was already in a conversation with the jewel seller.

"How much are these bracelets," asks Jade. 
"I see you really like them. They're three dollars each." She nods then looks at Brute. "I'll be right back." She runs towards Brute.

"Brute, Mowgli, let's get matching bracelets!" The boys turn around.

"You really think we have the unlimited amount of money for that?"

 "C'mon Brute please?! Just this." Jade looks at Mowgli to see if he'd be on her side. He shrugs. "We don't really need it. We can make our own actually if we wanted to." "Do either of you guys even know how to make it," she asks curiously. They both shake their heads. She stares at them, then pouts her bottom lip and clasps her hands together. "Can we please get matching bracelets?" Mowgli and Brute look at each other with blank faces. Brute replies, "Fine, but that's the last thing we're buying for today." She jumps for joy and hugs him tightly before running back to the stand. They follow suit.

"Don't these bracelets look nice," she then asks pointing at them. Mowgli stares at it with a questioning looks then picks it up. "I guess it's not bad." She looks at Brute. "It looks nice and simple. How much is it?"

"Three dollars each," she answers. He makes a face of concern then goes into his pocket. He pulls out a five dollar bill then combines one dollar bills together then hands the money. "Is this enough for all of us?" The merchant looks at the money then counts it before nodding. "You're all good." Mowgli puts the bracelet on his right wrist. Jade does the same. "Thank-you," says Brute taking the silver bracelet and putting it through his left hand. "No, thank-you for passing by." The siblings wave him goodbye and continue on the path. "Hey Jade," Mowgli starts. "How are your injuries from the day before?" Jade looks at him then at her shoulder.

"It's healing. I don't really feel the pain as much anymore so that's good." Brute nods. "That's good to know." He throws his apple core away nearby. Mowgli looks around then smiles.

"I think I know this part of the village." Jade and Brute both turn their heads to him curiously. 

"Oh really?" 

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